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Social Studies Practice Questions for ELA Common Core Testing

Social Studies Practice Questions for ELA Common Core Testing

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - November 17th, 2014

Finding the appropriate social studies ELA Common Core practice questions to help your child prepare for a test can be a challenge. There are plenty of study guides and software packages available, but determining which one is right for your child can be downright confusing. In addition, the cost of these packages quickly adds up as students are faced with an ever-increasing amount of standardized tests each year. The issue is compounded further if a parent has two or more school-aged children.

Thankfully, you can create relevant and helpful social studies practice questions at home. It often helps to review the material which will most likely be on the test. You can view Oregon’s specifics at Check online to see if your state has adopted the same standards as Oregon. If your state has rejected certain sections or added in additional ones, adjust your at-home studies accordingly.

Creating Social Studies ELA Common Core Practice Questions

While you can ask your child’s teacher or reach out to other parents, you can also simply look through your child’s current social studies textbook. ELA Common Core testing is designed to test knowledge of subjects which a student has already covered in class. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely that your child will be faced with a question regarding material not yet covered.

When choosing and creating social studies practice questions, be sure to include plenty of English language skills (comprehension, inference, grammar) as well as more traditional knowledge such as facts and dates.

Prep Smart

Once you’ve compiled your ELA Common Core practice questions or study guides, take care to keep test prep light and as fun as it can be for your child. Too often, parents place a great deal of pressure on their children to succeed. While this is a natural desire, it can also lead to testing anxiety. This potentially debilitating occurrence can lead to poor performance on testing day. Keeping things simple and brief will create a relaxed and confident attitude instead of a nervous student.

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