Canada Abilities Test for Determining Giftedness


Students are being tested with different kinds of exams such as the Canada Abilities Test. For many, this has become a routine by the time their children step into kindergarten. But what can you get from letting your child take this CCAT test in the first place? The answer: so much!

When you hear the word test you often link it with those being given by teachers after a lesson. The Canada Abilities Test is not like that. For starters, it doesn’t measure your child’s mastery level of the objectives of the lesson. The Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test CCAT aims to measure your child’s abilities and IQ. Your child doesn’t have to review for the test at all compared with other kinds of exams. In fact,

One of the many uses of the Canada Abilities Test is to check whether or not your child is gifted. Parents want to confirm the giftedness of their child so that they can provide him or her the best education suited for his or her level. The CCAT test is referred to as one of the most effective and valid aptitude tests out there so it’s no wonder that many parents prefer them over others.

The Canada Abilities Test is cheaper than many other tests and you can let your child take the test anytime provided he or she is of the right age.

This article from the Globe and Mail , entitled “For Your Kids, is Gifted a Bad Word?”, discusses the stress and anxiety associated with gifted testing. One child cited in the article even suffered from stomach aches due to the work involved in preparing for the exam! This is a common phenomenon among children who are already worked hard with school, homework, and after school activities. But the benefits of being accepted into a gifted or advanced program tend to outweigh the stresses and headaches that come with it!

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