ELA Practice Test 4th Grade


Looking for an ELA practice test 4th grade? You’re not alone: millions of parents across the country are in need of practice materials for the Common Core state standards test, which consists of math and ELA, or English Language Arts, questions. 

But before you go looking for an ELA practice test 4th grade, it’s important to nail down the details of what exactly you’re looking for. First of all, determine whether your state even administers what’s known as the “Common Core”: a number of states have decided to opt out of the standards entirely and continue on with their own state-specific tests. Notably, Virginia is continuing to use its SOL (Standards of Learning) test, and Texas continues on with the STAAR test rather than opting into the Common Core.

If your state has opted into the standards, your work isn’t done yet. Before getting your hands on an ELA practice test 4th grade, it’s important to determine which Common Core consortium your state has opted into. There are two major Common Core consortia: the PARCC and the Smarter Balanced, or SBAC. There is also an emerging third consortium known as the AIR. Do some research to find out which consortium your state has adopted, as this will have an effect on the practice questions that you should use for your child.

Once you’ve nailed down the answers to these questions, you’re ready to go in search of an ELA practice test 4th grade. It’s a good idea to use a mix of traditional practice questions and interactive programs like CoreClicks or iReady. There are also a number of good tips for the Common Core available online – be sure to look at these to get your child fully prepared for the test.

With a little research and preparation, your child will be ready for the Common Core – ELA and math!

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