Is my child gifted?

Many parents ask themselves: Is my child gifted? Is your child ready to take IQ tests? When exactly is the best time for your child to take intelligence tests for children like gifted and talented testing? According to research, the most appropriate age for your child to take these tests is between 5 to 12 years old.

At present, most public and private schools require children to take a test before they’re admitted to a gifted school. It’s because they want to screen students thoroughly so they can provide them the most suitable classes and programs.

If you’re planning to enroll your child in a school that employs such requirement, you must help him or her prepare for it. There are many free GATE practice questions you can find in the internet and in books. But before you start your extensive review session, it’s best that you ask the school what kind of IQ testing they require. This way you can provide sample IQ practice questions that are similar to the type of test he or she will take.

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