Testing Mom vs. a Tiger Mom‏

Every so often, we hear from parents who are searching desperately for something to help their child, but worry that a Top membership to TestingMom.com won’t fit the bill. These parents know about our site, but they think that it’s only for a certain category of children, or that their child’s needs are outside of what our program has to offer.

I want to tell you the misconceptions about TestingMom.com and set the record straight.

Who knows, maybe you’ve declined to take advantage of everything that our site has to offer because you had one of these myths rolling around your head as well!

1. TestingMom.com is only for “Tiger Moms” or “Tiger Dads”.

The term “Tiger Mom” was coined by Amy Chua in her 2011 book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom,” and it’s since become ingrained in the American lexicon. Tiger Moms (and dads) are intense, no-nonsense, and expect the best from their children – and will let them know if they aren’t living up to expectations. Typical Tiger Moms (and dads) are found in large cities and their surrounding areas; New York City probably has the largest concentration of Tiger Moms in the country.

But there are countless parents out there who want the best education for their child, and who expect their child to work hard to achieve their full potential, who aren’t stereotypical “Tiger Moms.” Many of these moms (and dads!) are mild-mannered parents who live in rural or exurban areas across the country, and who, from the outside, don’t appear intense or demanding at all. Our program works every bit as well for these parents – since they are willing to work with their child to help them accomplish their all!

2. TestingMom.com is only for testing.

Well, our name is TestingMom.com, so I can see where this one comes from. And it’s true that TestingMom.com has over 50,000 practice questions for Gifted and Talented and private school entrance tests, as well as an entire section devoted to helping your child get ready for the Common Core State Standards tests that could determine whether your child is able to advance to the next grade.

But so many parents miss out on what we have to offer because they think that we focus on testing and testing alone. These parents don’t realize that we have over two dozen partner programs to help your child build skills they need in school and beyond. These partner programs – which include Study Island, ScootPad, Scholastic, Core Clicks, Britannica, and many more – help your child develop skills in math, reading, science, social studies, and lots of other subjects – all in a fun, interactive way that will leave your child begging for more! And we also have our own online games that you can play at home, or on your tablet or mobile phone while on the go!

3. TestingMom.com is expensive.

I’m always surprised when parents tell me they’ve heard that TestingMom.com is expensive. Our site gives you access to all our practice questions, online games, and skill building partner programs – all for around $10 a month. Contrast that with the average workbook, which gives you perhaps 40 or 50 practice questions for a single test, for a significantly higher price than you would pay for just one month of TestingMom.com. Our site gives you everything you need to help your child achieve their full potential – and it’s the best deal around!

4. TestingMom.com is only for highly intelligent kids.

Some parents have the misconception that TestingMom.com is only for the brightest kids in the country – prodigies or young geniuses. Nothing could be further from the truth! In reality, most of our members have kids who are capable and motivated, but not necessarily super-smart. In fact, TestingMom.com is great for shoring up your child’s skills in areas where they need improvement. Is your struggling with reading? Our thousands of verbal practice questions, as well as partner programs like Reading Kingdom, will help your child get up to speed and even teach them to have fun along the way! TestingMom.com isn’t for the elite – it’s for any kid whose parents want the best for them.

5. A TestingMom.com membership only covers one child.

Many parents with more than one child are afraid to sign up for our site because they think that they have to buy one membership for each kid. But that’s not true! One membership gives you access to our materials for every grade and every test – as well as all of our online games and skill building programs, all for one low price! So no matter how many kids you have, rest assured – a TestingMom.com membership won’t break the bank. To the contrary, it’ll be the best investment you ever make.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a TestingMom.com membership today and take your child’s educational success into your own hands.

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