Preparing for the Woodcock-Johnson IV ® Test

The Woodcock-Johnson IV ® test, or Woodcock-Johnson Fourth Edition, was recently released as the newest version of the Woodcock-Johnson test. The Fourth Edition replaces the Woodcock-Johnson III, or Third Edition, which was used for some time until replaced by this newest version.

The WJ 4 is essentially an updated version of the test, calibrated to meet the latest needs to classrooms and parents alike. There are three separate tests that fall under the broad name, which are the WJ Tests of Achievement, the WJ Tests of Cognitive Abilities, and the WJ Tests of Oral Language. Here we will focus on the Tests of Achievement.

Historically, the Woodcock Johnson test is used for a broad range of ages, from young children to elderly individuals. For kids, the test is often used to determine whether they are eligible for entry into a gifted or advanced program, so doing well on the test can be important for their educational future. The test is based partly on knowledge that the child has picked up during their time in school, so for a quick study session you can use textbooks and other materials used for homework to help get your child ready for the test.

Of course, it’s also a good idea to use more formal practice materials for the Woodcock-Johnson IV test, keeping in mind that you don’t want to “drill” your child with lots of questions from workbooks or other traditional practice materials. If your child is just starting to study for the test, ease them into the process and get them familiar with what it’s like to prepare for the test before having them do any long study sessions.
For more information on the newly-released Woodcock-Johnson IV test, visit http://www.riversidepublishing.com/products/wj-iv/overview.html, which gives you a breakdown of the Woodcock Johnson IV test batteries, as well as information on how the test is administered and even video interviews with the authors of the test.

Woodcock-Johnson® Tests of Achievement®, Third and Fourth Editions (W-J-III® and W-J-IV®) are registered trademarks of Riverside Publishing, a Houghton Mifflin Company, or their affiliate(s), or their licensors. TestingMom.com is not affiliated with nor related to Houghton Mifflin Company or its affiliates (“Houghton Mifflin”). Houghton Mifflin does not sponsor or endorse any TestingMom.com product, nor have TestingMom.com products or services been reviewed, certified, or approved by Houghton Mifflin. Trademarks referring to specific test providers are used by TestingMom.com for nominative purposes only and such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners.