Testing Mom Coupon Codes and Promo Code

To get you started with a Top membership we’ve created Testing Mom coupon codes and promo codes. To get 10% off any Top membership use this code: testingmom10.

As a reminder, here are all the great things you’ll receive as a Top 1% member of TestingMom.com!

  • Instant access to over 25,000 practice questions for gifted and talented and private school admissions
  • Practice for core standards and states assessments like the New York Regents, Texas STARR, California STAR and more with our new Space Baby Academy online school enrichment. This includes access to Study Island, Smart Math, and more. (This is over a five hundred dollar value included with your membership!)
  • Daily practice question emails to reinforce the concepts your child needs to know on the test.
  • Video guides and original content to learn more about the specific test your child is taking and how best to prepare for that test.
  • Exclusive tele-seminars, expert advice and more.
  • Use coupon code:  testingmom10  – get 10% OFF instantly! (on top of any sale price!)

Why you need to give your child a leg-up!

  • The bar is higher than ever. Let’s face it: It’s not as easy as it was when we were kids. Today, competition is fierce. No wonder TestingMom.com has become the No. 1 online resource to help kids get into gifted and talented programs and competitive private schools.
  • Testing starts EARLY. Beginning in kindergarten, parents must ensure kids are prepared for every type of school assessment. With TestingMom.com, you can make sure your child doesn’t lag behind by helping them learn the concepts given on these tests.
  • Ensure advanced placement. Whether we like it or not, these placements are usually based solely on a child’s test scores. TestingMom.com gives parents (like us!) instant access to the tools, strategies and experts at an affordable price.
  • As a signed-up member, you’ve already received our 100 free ractice questions and you’ll begin receiving testing tips and occasional practice questions for your child 1 or 2 times a week. For our Genius and Top 1% members we now have more than 25,000 practice questions all viewable and printable!
  • Start today with 10% off instantly with a Testing Mom coupon codes and promo code:  testingmom10