The KBIT-2 Test: What Not to Do Before Your Child Takes It

What Not To Do Before Your Child Takes The KBIT-2 Test

As a parent, it’s only natural to stress a bit before your child takes an examination such as the KBIT-2 Test or the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2. However, you should be careful not to let your stress show, at least to your child. Children can pick up on their parents’ emotions extremely easily, and if they know you’re nervous about the test, they’re highly likely to be nervous about it as well.

This nervousness can turn itself into an inaccurately poor score if a child is so anxious that they become preoccupied or distracted. Stress in children can manifest in many ways, so pay close attention to your child as testing draws nearer. In smaller children, it has been suggested that short tests such as the Kaufman exam be presented as play activities, to avoid any interfering nervousness.  But no matter how you present the idea of testing to your child, experts agree that the most important thing you should avoid is attaching anxiety to the testing experience.

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