KBIT Sample Practice Questions

Wondering what kinds of questions your child will be asked on the KBIT-2 Test? Here are five examples below. For additional practice with these style questions, check out our 100 free practice questions.

IMPORTANT: While the KBIT-2 sample questions shown on this page are representative of what your child will see on the exam, they aren’t taken directly from the actual test that’s being administered this year.

KBIT-2 Sample Question #1

Look at the shapes in the boxes on top. Do you see how they are related to each other? Can you find the answer that goes in the empty box so the shapes in the bottom row will relate to each other in the same way as the shapes in the top row?

KBIT-2 Sample Question #2

Do you see these 4 boxes? In the top row the pictures go together in a certain way. Now look at the bottom row. Do you see the empty box? Which of the 4 pictures on the side goes with the picture in the bottom box the same way the 2 pictures in the top row go together?

KBIT-2 Sample Question #3

Touch the picture of the thing that is the lightest.

KBIT-2 Sample Question #4

For the next question, look at the phrase and the underlined word. Then mark the word in the list below that has practically the same meaning as the underlined word.

KBIT-2 Sample Question #5

Jake was really hungry. He ordered a pizza with 16 slices. He was only able to eat 4. What fraction of the pizza is left?


Answers: B, 2nd from Left, 1st from Left, D, A