SAGES-2 Practice Test Questions

Wondering what kind of questions your child will be asked on the SAGES-2? Here are six questions that will give your child a feel for the types of questions on the test. Included are three example questions for each of these subtests that will be covered on the K through 3rd grade and 4th through 8th grade exams. For additional practice, view our 100 free practice questions.

All the answers are at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT: While the SAGES-2 sample questions shown on this page are representative of the kinds of questions your child will see on the exam, they aren’t taken directly from the actual test.

SAGES-2 Sample Question # 1 —  K- 3rd grade Mathematics/Science:

This section is designed to measure a student’s aptitude and comprehension in basic math and science. Questions will cover fundamental mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as basic geometric shapes, patterns, and measurements. The science part will assess a student’s understanding of basic scientific concepts, including living organisms, the physical world, the earth, and space. Experiments, observations, and problem-solving may also be included.

Parent say to your child: “Which picture best shows the earth rotating from west to east”?

SAGES-2 Sample Question # 2 — K-3rd Grade Language Arts/Social Studies:

In this section, students are evaluated on their reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling skills. Questions may involve identifying main ideas, sequencing events, and recognizing appropriate word usage. The Social Studies aspect tests a student’s understanding of fundamental social concepts, including family, community, basic geography, important historical events, and simple economic principles.

For this section, ask your child: “Which one of these does not belong with the others?”

SAGES- 2 Sample Question # 3 — K-3rd grade Reasoning:

This portion of the test assesses a student’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It may include puzzles, patterns, and logic problems that require students to use deductive reasoning. There might also be questions that require students to identify relationships between different concepts, infer from given data, or predict outcomes based on certain conditions.

Parent, ask your child to complete this question: “Choose the shapes on the side that belong in the empty box so that the shapes on the bottom will go together in the same way as the shapes on the top

SAGES- 2 Sample Question # 4 — 4th- 8th grade Mathematics/Science:

As students progress into higher grade levels, the complexity of the questions also increases. In Mathematics, they’re expected to understand more advanced concepts such as fractions, decimals, ratios, probability, algebra, and geometry. For Science, the questions delve deeper into life science, physical science, earth science, and space science. There’s also an increased emphasis on the scientific method, experimentation, and data interpretation.

Have the student study the bar graph below: “Wanda graphed the inches of snow over 8 weeks. How many inches of snow most likely fell during week 7?”

SAGES- 2 Sample Question # 5 — 4th-8th grade Language arts/social studies:

This section assesses students’ abilities in advanced reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills. It may include analyzing texts, interpreting literary devices, and using context clues to understand unfamiliar words. The Social Studies part covers broader topics including history, geography, government, economics, and cultural studies. Students are expected to understand and analyze social situations, historical events, and geographical phenomena.

Parent, have your child look at the eight cards below: “If these cards are being alphabetized, which card goes last?”

a. Watermelon

b. Orange

c. Potato

d. Onion

SAGES- 2 Sample Question # 6 — 4th-8th grade Reasoning:

At this level, the Reasoning section becomes more complex, including logic problems, abstract reasoning, and problem-solving tasks that require more advanced cognitive abilities. Students are expected to identify patterns, make inferences, solve multi-step problems, and apply deductive and inductive reasoning. The tasks in this section aim to measure the student’s ability to think critically, draw conclusions, and solve problems creatively.

Parent, ask your child to “choose the shapes on the side that belong in the empty box so that the shapes on the bottom will go together in the same way as the shapes on top?”

Answers: 1st, 1st, 2nd, 7, a, 2nd