OLSAT Test 3rd Grade – Level D

Children that are in the third grade will be administered the OLSAT test Level D. This test demonstrates a child’s nonverbal and verbal cognitive abilities which they have developed at the third grade level. It is also important to remember that unlike other tests, the OLSAT test does not test in the common subjects given in school. This test instead focuses on measuring students’ ability to comprehend information and use it to reason as well.

If your child is entering a new school such as a private school, a gifted school or an advanced placement institution, the OLSAT test Level D may be given as an admissions exam. This exam may also be used to recognize hidden difficulties that will allow the students’ parents as well as teachers to provide the right assistance where the child needs help. The test will also provide insight on how the student is progressing not only through school but individually as well. It’s also useful in showing how a particular student is progressing in comparison to his or her peers.

Here is more information for the other levels for the OLSAT test for each grade level:

The OLSAT has Verbal Reasoning questions and Verbal comprehension questions.

How does this level differ from other levels of the test?

  • The OLSAT Test Level D is a little different from the lower levels in which students are given 64 questions. The number of questions may vary depending on the level of test that the child takes. It’s also important to remember that many school districts modify the test to suit their needs or may combine it with another test to form a custom exam that is used to determine admissions to a gifted or advanced program. Typically, the test is timed and the student is expected to complete the test within 50 to 60 minutes. Students are given the questions in a graduated degree of difficulty.

When should I prepare my child for the test?

  • It is always best to begin to prepare your child for the test as soon as possible. It is even a good idea to begin preparation even up to a month before testing day. Since some schools do not announce that your child will be tested until a couple of weeks before they are given the test. Do not worry, though, as you can still familiarize your child with the format of the test and the skills that are engaged throughout the test will still be very helpful.

There are many ways you can help your child study. Anything from simple at home studies to fully customized packages at the OLSAT Test Level D will be helpful to get your child ready.

Here’s a practice question for your child to prepare for the OLSAT Test Level D:

Which of the pictures below doesn’t belong?

(Answer: 2nd from the left – triangle points out)

Which of these figures does not belong?

(Answer: Third from the left – the upper left quarter of the circle is black)

Look at the figures on top. They go together in a certain way. Choose the figure among the answer choices that goes in the empty space so that the figures on the bottom will go together in the same way as the figures on top.

(Answer: First choice)