OLSAT 2nd Grade Practice Test

OLSAT Test 2nd Grade – Level C

The OLSAT level C is a multiple choice exam administered to children in second grade, intended to measure reasoning, verbal and nonverbal abilities. The test is commonly administered to determine a child’s strengths and weaknesses and to measure academic progress. Gifted and Talented programs often use the OLSAT as a basis for admission.

We recommend preparing your child for this test as soon as you find out they’re taking it. The programs using this test for admission are typically very competitive, and other parents may be preparing their child months or even years in advance (see our OLSAT Level A and Level B material). The exam covers verbal comprehension and following directions, verbal reasoning skills involving mathematical and auditory analysis. Figural reasoning skills that your child will need include figural classification, analogy and series as well as pattern matrices. Pictorial reasoning skills will also be included on the OLSAT test level C; for example, picture analogy and classification.

You should keep in mind that testing for the test can last anywhere from 50 minutes to about an hour of testing time. Children will be answering 60 questions in this time.

Here are three sample questions for the OLSAT Level C. For additional practice, view our 100 free practice questions.

1.) Which figure doesn’t belong?

2.) Look at the words below. Four of them belong together and one does not. Which one doesn’t belong?


3.) The picture in the top row is related in a particular way. Look at the answers and find the one picture that belongs in an empty space.


1.) 2nd from left
2.) Pool
3.) Third from the left