Best Methods for i-Ready Diagnostic Test

i-Ready Diagnostic Test Prep Methods for Success

Kids love to play games on your laptop or tablet, so you can feel confident letting your child practice as much as he or she likes using the interactive questions we offer in Digital Tutor (all interactive learning games available on our site are included with any TestingMom.com membership).

Here are test prep tips for students taking the i-Ready test:

  • Do as many practice questions as you can – the more comfortable you are with the material, the more confident you will feel!
  • Study in 25 – 30-minute chunks, then take a break. Your practicing is 100% effective at first and 20% effective after 30 minutes. By taking a break, you’ll go back to 100% effective when you start again.
  • There’s no penalty for guessing, so always make your best guess.
  • To improve your odds of guessing right, ALWAYS eliminate answer choices that you feel are wrong before you guess.
  • Watch out for “distractors” – answers that seem obvious but are incorrect.
  • Read the instructions and the full question before answering. If there are charts or pictures that go with a question, look them over – they are there for a reason.
  • Don’t lose focus or get distracted by those around you.
  • Manage your time – don’t rush, but don’t get stuck on one question either.
  • If you feel anxious, use breathing techniques and positive self-talk to calm yourself. Reframe your anxiety as a positive. Tell yourself that you’re excited to take the test; it matters to you. According to Harvard psychologist Jeremy Jamieson, “Recent research suggests that stress doesn’t hurt performance on tests and can even help performance. People who feel anxious during a test might actually do better. If you find yourself feeling anxious, simply remind yourself that your stress could help you do well.”

Here are test prep tips for parents to help their kid prepare for the i-Ready test:

  • Understand the Test: Research the i-Ready Diagnostic Test to understand its structure, content, and purpose. Knowing what to expect can help you guide your child effectively.
  • Review the Basics: Reinforce foundational skills in reading and math, as these are the core areas assessed by the i-Ready Diagnostic Test.
  • Regular Practice: Encourage your child to practice regularly. Consistent practice helps reinforce learning and builds confidence.
  • Use i-Ready Resources: Use the resources provided by i-Ready, including practice materials and study guides available on Testing Mom.
  • Maintain a Study Schedule: Develop a consistent study schedule. Consistency can help your child stay focused and reduce anxiety.
  • Promote Healthy Habits: Ensure your child is eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind.
  • Stress Management: Teach your child stress management techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness exercises. Test-related anxiety can impact performance.
  • Positive Mindset: Foster a positive mindset about the test. Encourage your child to see it as an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, not as a threat.
  • Reading Habits: Encourage regular reading. This helps improve comprehension skills, vocabulary, and overall language proficiency.
  • Make Learning Fun: Use educational games and apps to make learning engaging and fun.
  • Take Breaks: Ensure your child takes regular breaks during study sessions to avoid burnout.
  • Encourage Questions: Encourage your child to ask questions when they don’t understand something. This promotes active learning.
  • Personalize Learning: Tailor the learning process to your child’s unique needs and learning style for maximum effectiveness.
  • Real-life Applications: Show your child how what they’re learning applies to real-life situations. This can make learning more interesting and relevant.
  • Mock Tests: Use practice tests to familiarize your child with the test format and improve their timing. We suggest you utilize a Testing Mom test prep tutor who can help your child with test taking strategies if your child seems to be struggling.
  • Review Mistakes: Go over any mistakes made during practice. Understanding errors is a powerful learning tool.
  • Celebrate Progress: Celebrate small victories and improvements. This boosts your child’s confidence and motivation.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals for your child’s test preparation. This gives them a clear path to follow.
  • Provide a Good Study Environment: Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to study, free from distractions.
  • Stay Involved: Be involved in your child’s preparation. Your support and encouragement can make a huge difference.

Here are test prep tips for teachers to help their students prepare for the i-Ready test:

  • Understand the Purpose of the Test: The i-Ready Diagnostic test is designed to assess your skills in reading and mathematics. It will help identify your strengths and areas for improvement. This isn’t a pass or fail test but a tool for your teacher to tailor your learning.
  • Know the Format: i-Ready is an adaptive test, which means the difficulty of the questions changes based on your answers. Familiarize yourself with the format of the questions, so you know what to expect.
  • Create a Study Schedule: Don’t cram all your studying into the night before the test. Instead, create a schedule that allows for regular, consistent study time leading up to the test.
  • Focus on Your Weaker Areas: Spend extra time working on areas where you’ve struggled in the past. Your teacher can help you identify these areas.
  • Use Practice Tests: i-Ready offers practice tests that mimic the format and types of questions on the actual test. These are a great way to familiarize yourself with the test and assess your readiness.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Get plenty of sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Physical health can impact mental performance, so take care of your body.
  • Stay Positive: A positive mindset can make a big difference. Believe in your ability to succeed and view the test as an opportunity to show what you know.
  • Set Personal Goals: Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own progress. Set personal academic goals and strive to achieve them.
  • Practice Time Management: Some sections of the i-Ready test are timed. Practice working through problems efficiently so you don’t run out of time.
  • Ask for Help When Needed: If you’re struggling with a concept or problem, ask your teacher or a classmate for help. It’s better to clarify misunderstandings before the test.
  • Review Basic Skills: Make sure you’re comfortable with basic math and reading skills. You’ll need a strong foundation in these areas to succeed on the i-Ready test.
  • Read Carefully: Ensure you fully understand each question before answering. It can be helpful to read the question, then the answers, then the question again.
  • Use the Process of Elimination: If you’re unsure about a question, eliminate the answers you know are incorrect. This will narrow down your options and increase your chances of choosing the correct answer.
  • Don’t Rush: Although some sections are timed, it’s important not to rush. Make sure you understand each question before moving on to the next one.
  • Practice Online Test-Taking: Since i-Ready is an online test, it’s important to be comfortable with online test-taking. Practice navigating online tests and using digital tools.
  • Practice Reading Comprehension: The i-Ready test will assess your reading comprehension skills, so practice reading and understanding different types of texts.
  • Learn Test-Taking Strategies: Learn strategies like highlighting important information, taking brief notes, and summarizing information to help you better understand and remember material.
  • Check Your Work: If you have time at the end of the test, go back and review your answers. Make sure you’ve answered every question and that your answers make sense.
  • Stay Calm: Test anxiety can affect your performance. Practice calming techniques like deep breathing or visualization to stay calm and focused during the test.
  • Reflect on Your Performance: After the test, reflect on what went well and what you could improve for next time. This will help you continue to grow and improve. Remember, the i-Ready Diagnostic is a tool for learning, not a measure of your worth.