› Bracken test: Scoring assistant software
Bracken test: Scoring assistant software
posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - September 26th, 2012
Software: The Future of the Bracken Test
The Bracken test results usually come in descriptive categories which tell whether the child’s cognitive abilities is advanced or delayed with regards to the level and mastery the child possesses. However, to make things easier, the BSRA scoring assistant software was made available to make maintaining and organizing BSRA test scores easier.
This software enables scoring to be easier as it provides graphical depictions as a means to interpret test results obtained by the examinees. Through this, the teacher can better see a clearer picture of the child’s needs, thus, intervention is made easier.
Because on this graphical tools, the needs of the child with regards to the areas not well adapted to can be better given attention to by both parents and teachers, thus providing a better means of communication such to the parents to make them better understand the child’s needs and capabilities to which the child is attuned to.
Maintenance and organization of test scores using this software is also possible since one can readily store such scores and can be used to compare test results of various test scores obtained, aside from that of the Bracken test given.
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