› Common Core Math Practice Questions
Common Core Math Practice Questions
posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - May 30th, 2014
Many parents find themselves looking for Common Core math practice questions. Although the common core testing battery places a large focus on English language arts (ELA), it also tests history, math and science. These subjects often seem confusing at first, since ELA comprehension questions are integrated throughout. However, math practice questions and tests can help your child become fully prepared for each section of the common core.
Creating Your Own Questions
When it comes to creating your own math practice questions, your child’s current math textbook is an excellent resource. Try to choose problems and pieces of text which offer both ELA and numbers-based reasoning. The end-of-chapter math practice quizzes found in most textbooks are also wonderful options, offering ready-made yet free math practice tests.
Online Resources
The internet is another great source of information when it comes time for common core testing prep. Math practice questions and full math practice tests can be found at http://reading-sage.blogspot.com/2011/12/common-core-state-standards-practice.html, with each grade level represented. You can either use these math practice tests as-is or change, alter or modify them according to your child’s learning style.
Ready-Made Study Guides
One of the most trouble-free and comprehensive ways to help your child succeed is to purchase ready-made study materials. These guides have been created specifically for common core testing. They can be purchased singly, containing only math practice questions (or any other subject). They can also be purchased as complete sets, offering practice for each of the common core subjects.
Regardless of which method your choose (many parents find that a combination of all methods is most effective), there are some important points to remember when helping your child study with math practice questions or any common core study materials. Avoid placing any undue or excessive pressure on your child to succeed. Many parents do this without realizing it by letting themselves become overly worried about an upcoming test; children pick up on the feelings and begin to feel worried themselves. As difficult as it might be, try to remain calm and relaxed regarding testing prep. Another important aspect is study session length. Parents of younger children are in total control in this area, which is ideal for keeping things light and short. Older students typically prefer to study independently, but you can still help by reminding them to take breaks, as well as reminding them not to pressure themselves – students can create excessive worry just as easily as parents can.
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