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Gifted and Talented Programs and the NNAT Test

Gifted and Talented Programs and the NNAT Test

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - August 21st, 2013

Gifted and talented (G & T) status is something that all parents wish for their kids and indeed many children do gain admittance each year to G & T programs through taking the NNAT test. However, as more and more parents become interested in helping their children get that coveted place among the G & T ranks, competition for admittance to G & T programs gets tougher. One of the ways to keep your child ahead of the curve is to help prepare them for the test they need to take to apply to the G & T program.

While using NNAT test practice exams and exercises similar to the questions that appear on the NNAT test are beneficial ways of helping kids hone their non-verbal reasoning abilities – the main focus of the NNAT test – pushing kids too hard for academic achievement can actually backfire, especially among younger kids who can develop anxiety issues with test taking.

Children take a lot of emotional cues from the adults around them, especially their parents. If you act to nervous or anxious while talking about the test or helping prepare your child for the test, this can create anxiety in your child for that test. For this reason, any practice NNAT test or other NNAT test activities parents plan for their children should try to be fun. By making these activities less of a chore and more of a game, parents can actually help their kids learn and perform better on the NNAT test, without causing testing anxiety or other trauma for younger kids.

The best way to start preparation for the NNAT is to start with questions a grade level below your child’s current one. This will allow them to get a feel for the question types without challenging them intellectually. This will allow them to master the question types and will boost their confidence when they easily answer the questions. Good luck preparing your child for the NNAT.

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