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How should we prepare for the CogAT test?

How should we prepare for the CogAT test?

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - September 23rd, 2011

Have your child work on the different questions has included in the Cognitive Abilities Test section under Practice Questions.  You should also have your child practice the figural questions we have under the Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test (NNAT test), along with matrix or analogy questions that we have for any other test listed. 

Is there a new version of the Cognitive Abilities Test coming soon? 

Yes, Riverside Publishing is releasing a new version of CogAT® this year.  It is called the Form 7.  Many schools will continue to use Form 6, so it is important to find out which version of the test your school will be using.  We will be adding questions that support readiness for the Form 7 format shortly. 

 How is the new version of the CogAT different from the old version?

 The biggest change will be in the early years – K through 2nd grade.  Picture analogies and Picture Classification subtests will be all picture or visual-based without the necessity of teacher-read questions.  Only the sentence completion subtest will require the teacher to read the question. 

The Non-Verbal section will have 3 subtests – Figure Matrices, Paper Folding, and Figure Classification.  Figure Matrices contain 3 figures in an analogy A is to B as C is to what? Paper Folding requires the student to determine how a folded, hole-punched piece of paper will look when unfolded.  Figure classification shows 3 figures that go together and the student must choose a fourth figure that belongs in the set. 

The Quantitative section will have 3 subtests – Number Analogies, Number Puzzles, Number Series.  For younger children, number analogies rely on picture based quantitative concepts versus numerical representations.  Number puzzles present equations as trains that must carry the same number of objects.  The Number Series task is presented as an abacus-like toy where students find patterns. 

Levels on Form 6 were K1 – 2 and A – H.  Levels on Form 7 are numerical, with each number corresponding with the age at which the child is tested.  With Form 7, a 10-year-old would take a Level 10 test.

 How is the current test (Form 6) structured? 

There are 3 parts: Verbal, Quantitative, Non-Verbal.  Each part may have subtest within it.  The subtests typically have 15 – 25 questions and students are given a specific amount of time to complete each section. 

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