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Information about the Stanford Binet test

Information about the Stanford Binet test

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - September 27th, 2012

Stanford Binet test research

Compared to other types of intelligence tests for children, the Stanford Binet test is widely recognized as the most accurate method of gauging the cognitive abilities of children and adults.

One could say that the Stanford Binet test, also known as the SB-5, is the father of modern intelligence testing. It was developed in the early 1900’s by the French psychologist Alfred Binet, who was sanctioned by the French government to help them identify who among the children would need special educational assistance. He then created a test for kids which included a number of activities such as drawing, and engaging in abstract activities as well as physical demonstrations.

A professor from Stanford named Lewis Terman then contributed to revisions and further developing the exam into what is now known as the SB-5. Since the inception of the exam, it has gone through various revisions although they all still have the same foundation which is measuring four key areas of intelligence, namely:  short term memory, abstract and visual memory, verbal reasoning, and quantitative memory.

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