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Karen and Michael Answer Questions of the Week (Audio Teleseminar – Nov. 4, 2010) – Top 1% and Top 5%
posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - November 4th, 2010
[audio:]Questions covered in this tele-seminar:
1. How do you help a child who is shy to warm-up around adults for testing purposes?
2. What does my child need to know before a school interview and how best to prepare?
3. How do I build up my child’s testing stamina for the test that takes over an hour?
4. Does my 4 year old need to know all digits 0 to 99 for the Bracken?
5. What is the score needed to get into Hunter G&T program this year?
6. My child speaks 2 languages. What’s the best language to take the test in?
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