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Practice Questions for Common Core ELA and Math Tests

Practice Questions for Common Core ELA and Math Tests

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - March 13th, 2015

Many parents find themselves looking for practice questions for common core ELA and math tests, especially when their kids find themselves looking at taking the Common Core test within a matter of months or even weeks.

Back in the early and mid-2000s, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) meant that each state had its own curriculum and test to which teachers had to tailor their teaching. The Common Core tests are intended to impose a common set of standards across all 50 states. Of course, this hasn’t worked out quite as expected: there are already three separate Common Core consortiums: the PARCC consortium, the Smarter Balanced or SBAC consortium, and the AIR consortium. Additionally, a number of states including Texas and Virginia have decided to forego the Common Core test altogether, and stick with their state-specific tests. In any event, most parents in the U.S. will need to find practice questions for common core ELA and math tests since their child will likely find themselves taking some version of the test in the near future.

To that end, here are a few practice questions for common core ELA and math tests so you can get your child’s Common Core practice off on the right foot. How many of these can your child answer correctly?

Practice Questions for Common Core Math

1. What number is missing in the table below, if the table is generated by the rule “subtract 4”?


A. 8
B. 10
C. 14
D. 16

Answer: D

2. What is the area of rectangle in the figure below?


q2 answers

Answer: C

Practice Questions for Common Core ELA

3. A student wrote the passage below. Please read the passage and then answer the questions that follow. Some questions may ask you to make edits to the student’s writing.

My first day of 5th grade just finished, and it was really great. I was put into Mr. Blackwell’s class. He is so nice! He told us that by the end of the year we have read six books. I am looking forward to A Wrinkle in Time and Where the Red Fern Grows and Tuck Everlasting. To begin the year we will read a book of our choice. I’m not sure what I’m going to read. I know that I’d like to pick a long book.

In the first sentence, what part of speech is the word “and” and what is its function?

A. It is an interjection which expresses an emotion.
B. It is a conjunction which joins together two sentences.
C. It is a conjunction which shows location.
D. It is a preposition which shows location.

As you can see, these practice questions for common core ELA and math tests are quite hard! That’s why it’s important to start preparing your child for the test as soon as you can so they have the best chance of passing. In many states, kids who fail the test risk being held back a grade.

Don’t wait another minute to get your 100 free questions plus access to hundreds of thousands of practice questions for common core ELA and math tests like the ones above at

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