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Tele-Seminar Tonight! 7 Abilities Your Child Needs to Know for Testing and School

Tele-Seminar Tonight! 7 Abilities Your Child Needs to Know for Testing and School

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - March 27th, 2012

Tele-seminar – Tonight – Tuesday, March 27, 9pm NYC time (8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT)

Topic: 7 Abilities Your Child Needs to Know for Testing and School

By age 5, most children in America will have been given some kind of intelligence test, whether it is for private school admissions, gifted and talented qualification, or public school placement in slow, average, or accelerated learning groups. Here are the skills that you can incorporate during your daily routine that I’ll discuss in-depth during this “must attend” 45 minute tele-seminar tonight night:

  • Talk to your child about anything and everything all the time. This will build her language skills. Children raised in high-language households have IQs scores that are 38-points higher than kids brought up in low language homes.
  • Read concept books to your child.  Children tested for kindergarten are expected to know colors, shapes, seasons, fruit, farm animals — all the basic information kids are exposed to through picture books, preschool, and life itself.  If your child knows everything covered in these books, she’ll be ready.
  • Challenge your child’s memory. After you read your child a book, ask him to tell you the story back in his own words.
  • Build math concepts into your conversations. “Dinner will be ready in five minutes.”  “Do you want a whole cookie or a half a cookie?”  “Look how cute your toes are.  Let’s count them.” “You have three M&Ms. I’ll give you two more.  Now you’ll have five.” 
  • Give your child blocks, puzzles, Lincoln Logs, Legos or Duplos to play with.  These will strengthen his spatial skills. 
  • Let your child solve problems. When the ball rolls behind the console, ask him to come up with ways to retrieve it.  
  • Keep craft supplies handy and let your child create on rainy days. 


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