› Toys for Learning
Toys for Learning
posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - December 12th, 2014
*This blog post about toys for learning was written by Joelle Soleymani, a popular NYC tutor who specializes in helping children in kindergarten through middle school navigate the rigorous academic requirements of both the regular school year and the many standardized tests that are a reality for students everywhere. Joelle developed this list as another option for children who are constantly inundated with workbooks and electronic resources. Joelle has been consulting with families and school for over 20 years, and is different from the big tutoring companies in that she assesses each child individually, then tailors their instructional program to match their specific learning style, thereby creating the maximum potential for each student. To get in touch with Joelle, just send us an email!
Many parents out there are looking for toys for learning that enhance their child’s education in a fun, interactive way. Being a child in an electronic world is not always as fun as you may think. Yes, it’s easier to do research and it doesn’t take as long to write a paper. But what ever happened to “Game Night?” Playing a board game with your family or sitting with friends and just laughing, playing and socializing. In the fast paced world of electronics it seems that we have forgotten that kids can also learn and have a ton of fun just by playing “hands on activities”.
One of the main questions that I am asked all the time is, “What kinds of games can I get to play with my child?” Below is a fluid list of toys for learning and games that enhance your child’s educational experience. You can find these toys in the store section of our website.
Joelle’s Game List:
Verbal Reasoning
Reasoning By Analogy
Quantitative Reasoning
Pattern Completion
Spatial Visualization
Extra Fun Games
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