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WPPSI Test Results and Exposure to Urban Air Pollution

WPPSI Test Results and Exposure to Urban Air Pollution

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - August 10th, 2011

As if as a parent you don’t already have enough concerns with which to occupy your mind, a study conducted in 2009 linked the exposure of pregnant women to standard level of air pollution found in major metropolitan areas all around the world to lower WPPSI test scores in children at age five. 

The WPPSI, or the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Test, is a commonly utilized IQ assessment tool for children and adults of all ages. Many children take the WPPSI test upon, or before, entering kindergarten. 

The study in question tested 249 five year olds and showed that long term exposure to air pollution, like that found in many busy metropolitan areas around the world, could very likely have the same impact on children’s IQs and WPPSI test scores as does childhood exposure to low level of lead. Children exposed to lead in their critical developmental years typically rank lower on tests like the WPPSI.

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