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When answering the questions, does the child mark an answer sheet or tell the examiner verbally? If verbally, does the examiner mark the answer sheet?

For kindergarten, the child will be required to mark the sheet by his or herself, but the exam proctor may give them help filling out the sheet if they need it.  Keep in mind that the proctor is not allowed to redirect the child at all, which means they cannot help your child decide which answer to choose, nor can they repeat the question once it has been asked, so you should try to build your child’s confidence in his or her answers and make sure that they are comfortable talking to adults.

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2 Responses


My daughter is in Kindgergarten and is going to appear for GT testing this year, the test papers on testing mom has questions for kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2. Kindly let me know which part is to be practiced by her.

You will need to practice your daughter’s current grade so you’ll need to practice Kindergarten level practice questions.

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