Signs Your Child Gifted or Bright?

“Is my child gifted or bright?” is a question that every parent wants answered. Traditionally, IQ tests have been used to measure the giftedness of a child, but there are many other ways to identify giftedness. We’ve developed this short quiz to help you find the answer.

Please note that this is not an actual intelligence test.  Contact a psychologist in your area to arrange for an accurate cognitive assessment of your child.

Question 1: Does your child know the answers or ask the questions?

Asks the questions

Knows the answers

Question 2: Does your child grasp the meaning or draw inferences?

Grasps meaning

Draws Inferences

Question 3: Does your child construct abstractions or understand ideas?

Construct abstractions

Understands ideas

Question 4: Does your child prefer to be around peers or adults?



Question 5: Is your child a good memorizer or a good guesser?

Good Memorizer

Good Guesser

Congratulations! We will email you the results of this quiz:

Your child displayed of the signs of a gifted child. This quiz only tests for 5 of at least 20 signs of gifted children.

To boost the full spectrum of your child's gifted abilities, we now offer Gifted Learning Flashcards. We've found that having a physical card to hold makes it much easier and more fun to spend time learning. Most cards have multiple challenging questions; if one question is too hard or too easy, ask another.

Parents have told us these cards are perfect for use before bed-time, on road trips, or just as a way to start conversations with their children. Use discount code 20GIFTEDQUIZ for 20% off your order!

Browse our Gifted Learning Cards
Thinking & Problem SolvingWorking MemoryWorking Memory Example

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It looks like you already have an account with that gives you access to 100 interactive questions for your child. These questions test your child on the intellectual skills that are used on gifted tests.  Just log in to your account and get started!

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Take the next step in determining whether your child is gifted or bright by signing up for 100 free questions that will boost your child’s brainpower. Just fill out the form below to get started.

These questions will guarantee that your child is both having fun AND learning in the home…or even on the go!

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Progress: 0/5 Answered

This quiz only looks for answers for 5 of the 20 signs of giftedness. If you are interested in learning more, sign up for our free webinar.

There are many definitions of giftedness.  It isn’t hard to recognize children who are gifted in music, athletics, acting or the arts.  Intellectual giftedness must be assessed and this is most often done through 1) an IQ Test administered by a psychologist combined with 2) parent observation of the qualities mentioned in our quiz and those listed below.  Schools also designate children as “gifted” after they take a group intelligence test to qualify for a Gifted and Talented (G&T) or GATE program.  Most schools with gifted programs will designate students as “gifted” and will admit them to the program if they test in the “very bright” or in the “gifted” range.  Schools are not necessarily looking for profoundly gifted students for their programs.

Here are some other signs of giftedness in a child:

  • Excellent memory
  • Long attention span (if interested)
  • Sensitivity (in regard to feelings)
  • Perfectionist
  • Curiosity
  • Very energetic
  • Wide range of interests
  • Questions authority
  • Good at jigsaw puzzles
  • Shows compassion
  • Intense
  • Great sense of humor
  • Morally sensitive

Psychologists and schools use many different tests to assess giftedness in children.  We’ve helped thousands of parents across the world prepare their children for both achievement and intelligence tests.  Knowing what to expect on an upcoming test can make a significant difference in your child’s score.  If you are interested in helping your child prepare for a future test, sign up for the 100 Free Questions on the top right side of this page and get started right now!

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