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NYC Gifted and Talented Schools

Preparing for (and then passing) the test is only the first step in getting your child into the perfect NYC Gifted and Talented school. Most of the 32 NYC districts offer a gifted and talented program, in addition to the 5 citywide schools. This page will focus on school location, programs, accessibility, and other factors that will influence which school you should apply to for your child.

For more information on the NYC Gifted and Talented program, including admissions, visit our NYC Gifted and Talented Program page.

For more information on the NYC Gifted and Talented Test, view our NYC G&T Test Overview page.

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NYC Gifted and Talented Schools: Citywide and District

There are two types of gifted and talented programs within New York City, the Citywide Program and the District Program. Here’s a quick breakdown of the differences between the programs:

District-Wide ProgramsCity-Wide Programs
Admissions Requirements (K-3)Score of 90 or higher (though in practice, score of 95 or higher for some schools)Score of 97 or higher (though in practice, score of 99 or higher)
Classroom FormatClassrooms for G&T Program AND General Ed Programs (classes like art and gym may be a mix of students)All Classrooms for G&T
Boroughs with ProgramsAll BoroughsNo Schools in Bronx or Staten Island
Student Home LocationStudent living in district are high priorityStudents residing in all parts of the city, including Bronx and Staten Island, may attend

NYC District Wide Schools:

Most school districts in NYC offer a gifted and talented program. Schools in the district have separate academic classrooms for students identified as gifted and talented; certain non-academic classes, like gym or art, may have a mix of students in G&T and general education classrooms. Below is a map of the district wide schools.

Locations of NYC G&T Schools (District wide)

NYC Citywide Schools:

Admission into NYC Citywide schools requires a score of 97 on the NYC Gifted and Talented Test. Every classroom in these schools is a gifted and talented classroom; there are no general education classrooms in these schools. The one exception is P.S. 77, Lower Lab School, which is a District school that acts like a Citywide school. In recent years, only students with scores of 99 have gotten in to Lower Lab.

Below is a list of NYC Citywide schools:

Difference Between NYC Gifted and Talented Schools

Since there is no mandated curriculum across the NYC Gifted and Talented Program, schools are free to tailor their curriculum. For example:

  • The Anderson School (Citywide) has an advanced math program, with fast-paced instruction, which encourages students to discover new approaches to math problems.
  • Brooklyn School of Inquiry students can call Town Halls to address a concern that they feel needs to be addressed. (Maybe things like too much homework!)
  • The 30th Avenue School in Queens has excellent engineering and technology teachers, and students learn computer programming and even get to play with Lego robotics.
  • S. 166 Richard Rodgers School of the Arts and Technology works closely with the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project to emphasize writing.

Choosing an NYC Gifted and Talented School

If your child has scored either 90 (district minimum) or 97 (citywide minimum) on the Gifted and Talented Test, then your next step in the G&T admissions process is to apply for specific schools. On your application, you will list, in order, your preferences for where you want your child to go to school. If your child receives an offer to a particular school, they will not receive additional offers to schools further down on the priorities list.

Choosing a school for your child is not easy, and there are many factors at play. We recommend the following to figure out which school is best for you and your child:

  • Research schools online: The DOE G&T Handbook offers information regarding location, public transportation, accessibility, special programs, etc. An easier way to navigate this information is available on Inside Schools, which lays out the information in an easy to process manner and lets you find schools by your address.
  • Consider your child’s needs. Schools may not be fully accessible for students with mobility issues or may be lacking in special education programs. Most schools with a gifted and talented program offer team teaching (ICT) and English Language Learner (ELL) programs.
  • Consider the school’s location. Will your child be able to get to school in timely fashion? Will time going to and from school affect extra-curricular activities?
  • Consider your other children or your child’s friends. Sibling priority for admissions means that your child will be prioritized during the admissions process if you already have another child in the school you are applying to. You also may or may not want your child in the same classroom as some peers he already knows.
  • Plan a school visit! Read more below:

Planning a School Visit

Researching a school can only go so far. Your instinct and personal evaluation will impact your decision more than an online review or a friend’s opinion will. Here are a few tips for each school visit. members get access to even more tips, and can always contact our parent success team for additional tips regarding specific schools in NYC.

  • Overall Impression – Do you feel safe in the school? Are the facilities up to date? Is the building clean?
  • Facts and Figures – How do students do on standardized tests? What is the student-teacher ratio? What is the faculty turnover?
  • In the Classroom – Are the children engaged? Are teachers enthusiastic? Do kids work in small groups or large groups?
  • School Philosophy – Is there a philosophy of the school and do you agree with it? How engaged are parents? Is there an active PTA?

Additional Resources for Preparing for NYC G&T Admissions offers select free materials for research on the NYC Gifted and Talented Program. members can access practice materials, a list of NYC tutors we recommend, and can call or e-mail our Student Success Team for any needs specific to their individual children. Below are more free resources we offer:

Additional Resources by Grade

Additional resources: For expert admissions help getting into NYC’s best private schools, go to Abacus Guide Educational Consulting

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One Response


I went through rapid advance classes at PS 166 and Joan of Arc Junior High and went to the Bronx High School of Science where I started to learn Microbiology which became my highly successful career. Schools and programs for the gifted students are incredibly valuable. Keep them.

Richard A. Finkelstein, Ph.D. Curators’ Professor, Millsap Distinguished Professor and Chair Emeritus
Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Missouri.
Columbia, Missouri.

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