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Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT)

What is the Torrance Test?

The TTCT (Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) assess how creatively a child’s mind works and are often given to children to determine advanced placement or as part of an entrance examination. They are very different from intelligence and reasoning tests your child may have already taken. Instead of traditionally taught subjects such as reading or math, these tests assess creativity. Children are scored on a number of aspects. This includes:

  • Creative titles for pictures
  • Expressions
  • Imagery
  • and Humor
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Therefore, your child hasn’t “learned” the content that will be tested on the Torrance, since it involves more ambiguous concepts than the ones that are driven home in the classroom. As the name suggests, the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking test, in large part, how creative and imaginative your child is.

The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) is designed to identify and evaluate creative potential using two parts – a Verbal test and a Figural test.

Verbal Test for Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking

The Verbal test contains seven subtests. Each subtest in the TTCT Verbal test measures different facets of creative thinking, making it a comprehensive tool for assessing an individual’s creative abilities. Importantly, while the TTCT is a robust measure of creativity, it’s most insightful when used alongside other measures and observations.

  • Asking – This subtest evaluates the individual’s ability to formulate questions about a specific picture or situation. This skill is crucial for creative thinking as it involves curiosity, exploration, and the ability to seek out new information. The individual is encouraged to ask as many questions as they can about the picture, challenging them to think deeply and critically.
  • Guessing Causes – Here, the individual is presented with a picture or scenario and asked to guess the possible causes of the situation. This tests their ability to hypothesize and think analytically, a crucial aspect of problem-solving and innovative thinking. It also promotes divergent thinking, or the ability to generate multiple solutions or responses.
  • Guessing Consequences – Similar to the Guessing Causes subtest, but in this case, the individual is asked to imagine potential outcomes of a specific situation or event. This challenges their ability to anticipate, imagine, and think ahead, key elements of creativity and strategic planning.
  • Product Improvement – In this subtest, the individual is presented with an object or product and asked to think of ways it could be improved. This test assesses creative problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and the ability to innovate and add value.
  • Unusual Uses – This subtest involves presenting the individual with a common object, and asking them to think of as many unusual uses for that object as possible. It measures the individual’s flexibility of thought, their ability to think divergently, and to see beyond conventional uses or constraints.
  • Unusual Questions – The individual is asked to create as many unusual questions as possible about a given picture or scenario. This subtest encourages curiosity, and the ability to think outside the box. It reflects an individual’s capacity to look at situations from unique and varied perspectives.
  • Just Suppose – This subtest asks the individual to imagine a hypothetical, often fantastical, situation and speculate what would happen in such a scenario. This subtest measures the individual’s ability to think abstractly, to stretch their imagination, and to conceive of realities outside their direct experience.

Verbal test Subtests are scored on the basis of fluency, flexibility, and originality (with a score on elaboration as optional), and these scores are accumulated across all subtests. The totals may be converted to standard T scores if normative reference is desired.

Figural Test for Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking

The Figural test has three subsets. The Figural Test, which evaluates non-verbal, graphic creativity. The Figural Test consists of three activities, which include Picture Construction, Picture Completion and Parallel Lines. Here is a detailed overview of each section:

  • Picture Construction (from a marked cue) – In this subtest, the examinee is provided with a small shape or cue (for example, a squiggle or an abstract mark) and is asked to incorporate this cue into a larger, more complex picture. The goal here is to assess how an individual can build upon a simple visual stimulus and transform it into something more elaborate and creative. The participant’s creativity is evaluated based on the originality, complexity, and the narrative quality of the constructed picture. This subtest is designed to tap into an individual’s divergent thinking, imaginative storytelling, and visual creativity.
  • Picture Completion (again with cues) – For this subtest, the examinee is given several incomplete pictures or cues, and they are asked to complete these in the most imaginative way possible. These cues might be abstract lines or shapes, and the individual’s task is to complete the pictures in a way that adds meaning, innovation, and creativity. This subtest evaluates an individual’s ability to think divergently, their propensity for elaboration, and their fluency in generating creative solutions.
  • Parallel Lines – In this activity, the examinee is given a page with several pairs of parallel lines and is asked to create unique images or pictures using these lines as the starting point. This activity is designed to assess the participant’s ability to look at a familiar shape (parallel lines) in novel ways, encouraging innovative, divergent thinking. This subtest assesses an individual’s ability to generate original, unique, and elaborate concepts from simple visual cues.

The first of these Figural test subtests is scored on originality and elaboration while the remainder are scored on fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Totals are then accumulated across subtests to provide overall scores for Figural fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. These scores, as in the Verbal test, can be converted to a standard T score.

More Information on the Torrance Test

The tests are given in a game-like manner to catch children’s interests. The scoring of the tests is by hand and requires careful attention to the manual for reliable results. However, “streamlined” guides are available and are helpful in developing greater familiarity with the test and its scoring procedures for Grades K through graduate school.

Many school districts include some kind of creativity testing as part of their assessment of gifted children, and the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking are one of the most commonly given.  The TTCT test is a series of figural exercises (thinking with pictures) and verbal activities (thinking with words) that students do to showcase their creative abilities.  The full test is a series of individual exercises that are administered by a psychologist over a 90-minute period.  While it isn’t the perfect creativity test, it has proved to be highly reliable over the years as a predictor of successful, creative individuals of all ages.

This test is used by both businesses and schools.  Often, in a school setting, a few of the exercises from the TTCT test are chosen to be administered along with other intelligence or achievement tests.  They might choose one figural and one verbal activity to include in their evaluation if they are looking for children who are both highly creative and intelligent to be part of their program.

To get started with all of the Torrance testing material offered by Testing Mom, check out our 100 Free Questions.

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My child’s school will use a creative test, what test is this?

The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking is commonly given alongside many cognitive abilities tests to asses a child’s creativity. The TTCT is the one of the most common tests used to assess creativity.

Other Torrance Testing Formats

The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking can also be given to adults. There are two versions, Figural and Verbal. While the Figural test is approved for kindergarten students, the verbal test begins at first grade. By assessing creative thought, these tests often provide useful insight for administrators regarding student placement. Children who produce rather boring or common results are scored lower. The more detail, imagination, and fantasy that is incorporated into an answer, the higher the results. Studies have shown that highly imaginative and creative children are often (not always) some of the very brightest.

While it’s harder to prepare for creative tests than it is for tests that measure aptitude and knowledge, there are a number of ways to get your child thinking more creatively. One way is to ask him to tell you a story every day, or have her talk about the funniest (or strangest or creepiest or most interesting) thing that happened to them that day!

More details can be found at

Tell us about your experiences

24 Responses


I want free tact test for my daughter.

Cheng Wooi

Dear Sir/Madam,

Can I purchase torrance testing of creative thinking from your website.
I will to test my daughter’s cretaivity score.

Thank You
Ng Cheng Wooi

Hi there,

You can contact us at or call us at 877-609-6203 and a Parent Success Team member will help you sign up!


How are you? I hope that you are well. could I get a PDF original ttct.
I am a Master student working on creative thinking.
Best wishes


What is the main difference between the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Figural streamlined and the Renzulli creativity test? My child scored a 98% on the Renzulli test and a 50+ percentile on TCTT. Seems too much of a difference.

Frances Hoferichter

Dear TestingMom,

I am a reseracher at the University of Greifswald (Germany) and would like to buy the TTCT.
Do you know where I can order i and if it is available in German?
Thank you and all the best,


Hi Frances –

TestingMom provides test prep materials for the TTCT, but not the actual test. You would want to reach out to Scholastic Testing Services, the test publisher.

All the best,


If I am already a member, how do I access more sample questions for the torrance test?

Hi Lamecia –

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Our Torrance questions are fairly limited to what we have on the website. However, it’s very easy to come up with questions on your own!

For example, you can point to a picture in a magazine and ask your child what they think is happening in the picture! This mimics the “Ask and Guess” questions. You and your child can also come up with questions that mimic the “Just Suppose” section!

All the best,



I’m a researcher and now looking for creativity assessment for primary school children. Therefore, I’d like to know how can I access this TTCT assessment.

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, we do not have access to the actual test. We provide practice materials for children to use to prepare for this test and many others.

All the best,



How do I purchase the Torrence creative test in Australia?


Hello there. Are testers penalized for not answering all questions?


The test is given in a format to where there aren’t typically “wrong” answers. Children are scored on elaboration and creative thinking in their responses. The test is administered by a professional or test-expert, so children should not have the opportunity to skip any questions.

I have made my kindergartner kid practiced the 100 free sample questions for TTCT on your Testingmom website. I want to check if the questions/sample you shared with these 100 free questions is the correct pattern for TTCT? I have heard from a friend about TTCT which is all together a different set of questions and were not at all relevant with your sample questions. So, I am not sure about this.

Please guide.

Also, pls share the subscription rates for 1-2 months and if any discounts you are offering.



Thank you for reaching out to us! Our 100 free questions are a sample of questions from all the tests that we offer and are not specific to one test. We do have hundreds of TTCT specific questions for our members. You can find subscription amounts at

For questions about discounts or anything else, please reach out to!



How can I access the free practice questions for the TTCT

Our 100 Free Questions are a great sampling from many of the tests we support. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to access the 100 Free Practice Questions (No purchase necessary):

Go to and log in using your email address and password.
Once you are logged in, click the “100 FREE QUESTIONS” button on the left-hand side of the page Or, you can follow this link: 100 Free Questions.
Once redirected, you will see a large, blue box that reads “FREE QUESTIONS.” Click the orange button that reads “UNLOCK NOW.”

We look forward to having you onboard with us!

Best regards,



Hi , I am Maisalon Kaiyal an elementar school teacher , and a studentt for second digree about implementing technologies in the classroom
and i am making a project about gaming and promoting creativity and I need to see the TTCT test , It can help me with my project
I will be very greatful and thankful if you can send me a copy of the test
Thank you in advance

Mi Maisalon, please email us at for more info. on the TTCT test.


Dear sir or madam
I want to enter the Torrance creativity awards.How can I register for it?

Thank you
Looking forward to your reply.

Hi CanRan,

Please give us a call at 877-609-6203 so we can discuss the test and how to register for it in your area.


I was googling creativity tests for fun and curiosity and now I’m here 🙂


My children used mad libs to be creative at home. They would practice starting a picture then my other child would add to it and they would do this back and forth until they created a story.

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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