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WPPSI-IV Sample Test | Free Practice Questions

Wondering what kinds of questions your child will be asked on the WPPSI-IV (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition)? Here are five examples.
IMPORTANT: While the WPPSI-IV sample questions shown on this page are representative of what your child will see on the exam, they aren’t taken directly from the actual test that’s being administered this year.

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WPPSI-IV Sample Question #1 — Information:

Parent, say to your child: “Which animal in the picture below barks?”

WPPSI Information Question

WPPSI-IV Sample Question #2 — Picture Concepts:

Parent, say to your child: “Look at the pictures in the two rows below. Choose one picture from the first row that goes with one picture from the second row.”

WPPSI-IV Picture Concept Questions

WPPSI-IV Sample Question #3 — Vocabulary:

Parent, ask your child this question out loud: “What is a refrigerator?” (Answer: It’s an object in the kitchen that you place food and drinks inside of to keep them cold/fresh.)

WPPSI-IV Sample Question #4 — Comprehension:

Parent, say this to your child: “Please point to the person you should call if your house is on fire.”

WPPSI-IV Comprehension Question

WPPSI-IV Sample Question #5 — Similarities:

Parent, say to your child: “Which item on the bottom row is open, like the items shown in the top row? Fill in the circle underneath the correct answer.”

WPPSI-IV Similarities Question

Answers: Bottom Right, 1 and 3, It’s an object in the kitchen that you place food and drinks inside of to keep them cold/fresh., Top Right, 3rd from Left
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Is it nce for first grader?




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how can i access the 100 free questions, we only did about 10 and can’t seem to find the link again?


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I would like to have an experience for testing questions provided in wechsler.

Our WPPSI prep is top-notch and available within our member’s area. Your child’s potential is just waiting to be unleashed!

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would like this information for my first grader

We’re so glad to hear that you’re interested in our service! We’ve helped tens of thousands of parents around the world prepare their child for a test and improve their school performance, and we’re so excited to help your children achieve their full potential! We have over 1700 practice questions for the WPPSI test. Our WPPSI prep for first grade is top-notch and available within our member’s area. Your child’s potential is just waiting to be unleashed!

With a membership, you’ll get full access to ALL test prep material we offer for grades pre-K through 8th grade, as well as year-round academic resources. Plus, we made it super easy to buy any of our memberships right on our site. Just log in with your email and password, click the red “Buy Now” button at the top of the screen or the link above, pick your package, fill in your credit card info, click “Agree & Confirm Purchase,” and boom! You’re ready to go. If you have more questions, we are available via phone, email, or chat 7 days a week!

We’re so glad to hear that you’re interested in our service! We’ve helped tens of thousands of parents around the world prepare their child for a test and improve their school performance, and we’re so excited to help your child achieve their full potential! We have over 1700 practice questions for the WPPSI test. Our WPPSI prep for first grade is top-notch and available within our member’s area. Your child’s potential is just waiting to be unleashed!

With a membership, you’ll get full access to ALL test prep material we offer for grades pre-K through 8th grade, as well as year-round academic resources. Plus, we made it super easy to buy any of our memberships right on our site. Just log in with your email and password, click the red “Buy Now” button at the top of the screen or the link above, pick your package, fill in your credit card info, click “Agree & Confirm Purchase,” and boom! You’re ready to go. If you have more questions, we are available via phone, email, or chat 7 days a week!

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