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Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented

What is the Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program?

The Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program provides gifted students in grade K-12 with ample opportunities to receive enrichment and accelerated learning. The Florida State Department of Education defined gifted students as “one who has superior intellectual development and is capable of high performance.”   

Students can be identified to participate in the gifted program on the basis of a referral from parents/guardians, teacher, a staff member or the student themselves and subsequent evaluation. Teachers must be endorsed by the State of Florida and be working towards, or possess a specific designation as a gifted teacher. 

What enrichment do students get?

Gifted students in the Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program receive enrichment in the core content areas, and a differentiated curriculum is provided by services that include:

  • Advanced content
  • Variety in content, process and/or product
  • Acceleration of instruction
  • In-depth study
  • A high degree of complexity

How are students screened for the Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program?

Broward County Public Schools universally screens all students in 2nd grade using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). 

The screening process involves preliminary nomination, subsequent testing, referral to further evaluation by a district staff member on the basis of assessments and testing data, and intellectual evaluation by a psychologist. 

Eligibility for the Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program

Some of the instruments commonly used to screen students for giftedness include:

Gifted Meeting Gifted Screening Criteria

Students who have taken the CogAT test can meet the criteria for the Broward County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program screening in two ways.  The first, called Plan A, qualifies students with a composite CogAT score on the three batteries (verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal) in the 97th percentile or higher4.

Plan B is geared towards students with Limited English proficiency (LEP) and students who receive free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) who score in the 81st percentile or higher on a composite of two of the batteries (quantitative and nonverbal). The verbal battery is not included for Plan B student identification as success requires general reading and language skills which these students may not possess.

If students successfully meet CogAT qualifications, school psychologists will individually administer standardized tests of intelligence such as the Differential Ability Scales®-II (DAS®-II) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®-IV). Students with an IQ score of at least 130 (two standard deviations above the mean of 100), meet Plan A criteria. Students meet plan B criteria if they are either FRL or LEP and score at least 115 (one standard deviation above the mean of 100).

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2 Responses


Lily latty of Fairway Elementary in Miramar

Fairway Elementary is part of Broward County Public Schools in Florida. The County offers a Gifted Program for students who demonstrate exceptional academic ability, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and motivation. The program provides opportunities for these students to engage in challenging and rigorous learning experiences that meet their individual needs and interests.

The Gifted Program in Broward County has several components, including:

Gifted Cluster Grouping: This model involves placing gifted students in the same classroom with a teacher who has received specialized training in gifted education. The teacher provides differentiated instruction that challenges and supports the students’ intellectual and academic needs.

Gifted Resource Program: This program provides gifted students with opportunities to work with a gifted education specialist in small group settings. The specialist provides enrichment activities and projects that extend and deepen the students’ understanding of the curriculum.

Advanced Academic Programs: Broward County offers a range of advanced academic programs for gifted students, including Advanced Placement (AP) courses, Dual Enrollment, and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. These programs provide opportunities for students to earn college credits while still in high school.

To qualify for the Gifted Program, students must go through a screening and selection process that includes academic performance, standardized test scores, and teacher recommendations. The program is available to students in grades K-12.

For more information about the Gifted Program in Broward County, you can visit the district’s website or contact the Gifted Education Department directly.

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