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Miami-Dade Public Schools Gifted Program

What is the Gifted Program in Miami-Dade Public Schools?

The Gifted Program in Miami-Dade Public Schools provides gifted students with differentiated curricula to facilitate their intellectual development. Various gifted service delivery options are available to students in grades K-12, based on the student’s Educational Plan (EP). 

Further Information for the Gifted Program in Miami-Dade Public Schools

Gifted offerings provide academically accelerated programming for deep consideration of topics and concepts beyond regular coursework requirements. Students may engage in accelerated and enriched learning through the following services:

Elementary Part-time Content (K – 5 / 6)

Students participate in gifted programming for 5 to 12 hours per week with interdisciplinary coursework in selected core subjects, including Math, Science, Social Studies and/or Language Arts/Reading. Teachers in this program are endorsed gifted teachers or approved waiver. 

Elementary Fill-Time (K – 5 / 6)

In self-contained classrooms, students participate in gifted programming throughout the day, throughout all subject areas.

Senior High Gifted Program (9 – 12)

Students may participate in gifted content area courses and/or state approved high school gifted elective course.

Senior High Gifted Consultation (9 – 12)

Students within the gifted program in Miami-Dade Public Schools meet with general education teachers and/or gifted teachers to plan, implement and supervise instructional alternatives as students work towards gifted goals in their academically advanced initiatives, including AP, Honors, and IB programs. Students receive consultation services from endorsed gifted teachers. 

Eligibility for the Gifted Program 

Screening procedures for identifying gifted students for the Gifted Program in the Miami-Dade Public Schools involves the assessment of a pool of students who have demonstrated notable talent, selected on the basis of two or more of the following criteria:

  • High academic achievement, as indicated by standardized test 89 percentile or higher or FCAT Level 4 or 5 or coursework grades of A or B.
  • Above average creative output in artistic, literary, scientific, or mathematics endeavors.
  • Extremely rapid learning rate or unusually insightful conclusions. 
  • Multiple nominations from teachers and staff who observe unique talent.
  • Parental reports of advanced developmental behavior, such as early reading, verbal
  • precocity and use of complex syntax, or evidence of mechanical aptitude
  • Outstanding academic, creative, or leadership abilities, self-reported or peer-reported.
  • Students who have achieved a grade of A or B in English for Speakers of Other Language or home language arts and mathematics are also screened for giftedness. 

Upon completion of screening, parents/guardians or other qualified individuals submit a referral for further evaluation. Student profiles may include:

  • Gifted Characteristics Checklist. Students must display a majority of the characteristics of giftedness, which can be reviewed at
  • Standardized test scores, including but not limited to Stanford Achievement Test or Iowa Tests of Basic Skills scores, with the Aprenda used to measure the achievement of Spanish-speaking ESOL students.
  • Intellectual Quotient tests, which may include Weschler, SB, DAS, KABC. 
  • Creativity Measure Score based on the Williams Scale. 
  • Classroom performance measures such as report cards, class work and/or projects. 

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One Response

Annia Hart

Good morning

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful morning.

We are interested on testing our 9 years old girl to see if she qualifies for the gifted program.

Looking forward to your response.

Thank you!

Kind regards,

Annia H

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