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Lake Washington School District Highly Capable Testing

Lake Washington School District’s gifted and talented programs are called Highly Capable Services. The Lake Washington Highly Capable program is available to students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Programs are broken down into four age groups:

  • Kindergarten
  • Elementary (1st through 4th)
  • Middle School (5th through 8th)
  • High School (9th through 12th)

Early Entrance Kindergarten

LWSD offers Early Entrance testing for children who miss the cutoff date for kindergarten (August 31st) but turn five before October 1st. This testing includes five areas: cognitive, fine motor, communication, perceptual motor, and social/emotional. The testing session takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. Parents are not allowed in the room during the assessment.

AreaType of Skills TestedQualifying Scores
CognitiveThink critically
Follow spoken directions
Draw relationships between objects
95th or higher percentile
CommunicationReceptive Language:
Understand and use conversational skills
Understand different words and sounds
Expressive Language:
Use words socially and to express information
Understand and use simple grammar rules
95th or higher percentile
Fine MotorSmall muscles control (especially in the arms and hands)75th or higher percentile
Perceptual MotorCombine fine motor and perceptual skills to complete tasks75th or higher percentile
Social/EmotionalBehave and react like a typical 5-year-oldTypical 5-year-old range

Highly Capable Testing

FastBridge – Given to all children in Kindergarten – 7th graders. The Fall FastBridge is not a screener, but all children scoring at or above the 85th percentile will be sent invitations.

CogAT Screener – All students with a completed application will be administered the CogAT Screener (approximately 30 minutes). The CogAT Screener covers Analogy questions in the Verbal, Nonverbal, and Quantitative Batteries. All students who score at or above the 95th percentile will continue in the eligibility process.

Iowa Assessment and NNAT – The final step in the eligibility process. To qualify for reading the student must score at or above the 95th percentile in reading, at or above the 95th percentile in math, and at or above the 95th percentile on the NNAT. Please see the LWSD Scoring Matrix for a full breakdown.

Testing Mom offers a comprehensive online program with practice test questions, one-on-one expert tutoring sessions, and group classes that cover all concepts on the CogAT and ITBS.

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High School Programs

The high school programs include honors classes, advanced placement classes, Running Start program, and college in high school. Students are recommended for the classes by their parents and teachers. Students and parents then work with the school’s counsellors to chose which program best meets their academic needs.

What are the different Lake Washington Highly Capable Programs?

Kindergarten Early Entrance is an opportunity for children who turn five between September 1st and November 30th to show that they have the ability and social maturity to begin Kindergarten. Children are tested on a variety of skills and if they qualify, they begin school with other kindergartners in September.

K5HC Services are offered once a week to children in K-5th grades whose test scores qualify them for the program. Students meet with a teacher in small groups for 30 minutes each week. They focus on reading and/or math hands-on activities that encourage creative and critical thinking and leadership skills. The program begins in late September or early October.

Pull-Out Quest is offered one day a week to children in 2nd-5th grades whose test scores qualify them for the program. Students are in a self-contained classroom that day. The students focus on project-based learning with social studies and science themes. They work on higher-level thinking skills, cooperation, and presentation skills. The program begins in late September.

Full-Time Quest is a self-contained classroom the children attend 5 days a week. Second and third graders are in a classroom together and fourth and fifth graders are together. The focus is on advanced academic thinking, communication, and collaboration skills. The program starts at the beginning of the school year.

Middle School Quest consists of a 2-period integrated language arts and social studies block, 1 period of science class, and 1 period math class. The remaining 2 periods are available for required and elective classes. The program starts at the beginning of the school year. (All 5th graders who finish in full-time Quest will automatically transfer into middle school Quest. has helped thousands of parents qualify their children for the Lake Washington Highly Capable programs. Start preparing now and help your child reach their full academic potential.

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