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Northshore School District Highly Capable Gifted Program

Northshore School District offers a Highly Capable (HiCap) program for children in Kindergarten-12th grade. They have a whole-child focus and believe in different work, not more work, that is based on each child’s unique abilities.

Qualification for the HiCap gifted services is a three-part process. Step one is a referral. All students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 5th grades are automatically screened in the fall. Referrals are needed for students in all other grades, including students who have been identified for gifted services in a single subject, if the parent wishes them to be assessed in the other subject. Students in 8th-11th cannot be referred since they are not assessed for services. Those students can however submit a portfolio review form to be considered for services.

Step two is screening. Northshore uses the NNAT3, WaKids, and SBA (smarter balanced assessments) to determine if a child should be tested for services. Qualifying criteria for testing are:

  • Kindergarten – 95th percentile or higher on the NNAT3 and a score of 9 or higher on WaKids
  • 1st grade – 85th percentile or higher on the NNAT3 or iReady
  • 2nd-3rd grade – 85th percentile or higher on the NNAT3 and/or currently receiving highly capable services for math or reading
  • 4th-7th grade – 85th percentile or higher on the NNAT3 or SBA and/or currently receiving highly capable services for math or reading

Step three is testing. Students who meet the screening criteria will take the Iowa Assessments in Math and Reading. Students who score at or above the 95th percentile on their SBA may not need to take the IOWA tests. Students who score at or above the 95th percentile on the IOWA assessments will be offered HiCap services.

TestingMom offers a comprehensive online program with practice test questions, one-on-one expert tutoring sessions, and group classes that cover all the concepts on the NNAT3, SBA, and IOWA Assessments.

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Students in K-1st grade receive HiCap (highly capable) services in their regular classroom. Teachers provide individualized instruction based on each student’s capabilities. This differentiated instruction includes an accelerated pace and enriched content.

HiCap services for students in 2nd-5th grades are available in the regular classroom and a self-contained classroom. Students who qualify for services in only reading or math receive services in their regular classroom. The teacher will provide differentiated instruction for them that includes material presented at an accelerated pace and/or more in-depth content.

Students in 2nd-5th who qualify in both reading and math attend the Elementary Advanced Placement (EAP) classroom full-time. In this classroom, the students work 1 to 2-grade levels above their current one. The pace is faster and the material is presented more in-depth.

HiCap students in 6th-8th grade are encouraged to enroll in Advanced Academic Placement (AAP) courses. Students with HiCap Reading qualification may enroll in AAP ELA and AAP Social Studies. Students with HiCap Math may enroll in AAP Science and the Math courses they have been assigned.

High School students self-select their courses. HiCap students are encouraged to choose advanced courses or participate in the Running Start (community college course) or International Baccalaureate programs.

A TestingMom membership offers hundreds of practice questions that will prepare your child for Northshore School District’s Highly Capable program testing. Start preparing today!

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5 Responses


Please guide us how we can take help from testing mom for WaKIDS .

I have your membership but i am not able to find SBA practice test for 2nd grade kind. I am interested to get prepare for my kid for HiCap in NSD

Could you please guide me where to find preparation kit for HiCap 2nd grade kind



Please email us at so we can help you find all the resources for your child’s gifted and talented test in Northshore School District.


Please guide on how to prepare the child for wa kids assessment.

Hi Parul, please email us at and we can help guide you to help your child prepared for the WA kids assessment.

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