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How is the KBIT Test Scored?

The KBIT-2 test generates three scores: Verbal, Nonverbal, and an IQ composite score that reflects a child’s overall performance. Theoretically, the verbal subtests measure crystallized ability and the nonverbal subtests measure fluid reasoning.


The Verbal portion of the KBIT-2 test is made up of two subtests, Verbal Knowledge and Riddles. These measure verbal, school related skills by measuring an individual’s word knowledge, verbal concept formation, reasoning ability, and range of general information.


The Nonverbal portion is made up of the Matrices subtest and measures the ability to solve new problems. This is done by assessing the student’s ability to perceive relationships and complete visual analogies.

Composite IQ Score

The Composite IQ Score reflects your child’s performance as a whole. Overall (composite) IQ scores range from 40 to 160. The composite IQ Score will help identify whether your child is gifted, within average range, or may perhaps benefit from alternative or remedial classes. Contact your desired school or program and ask about their IQ score criteria.

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5 Responses


This doesn’t actually answer the question. This is a description of the subtests, not a description of how scoring occurs. How many questions are given at a minimum? How are the responses scored? How many must be missed in a row before the evaluator ends the subtest? Is there a way to estimate a score based on practice questions?


My child took the KBIT test at my request in 1st grade. her scores confuse me: verbal IQ 51 non verbal IQ 28 overall composite IQ 151.
It’s the discrepancy in the results that makes me question. What do these scores mean?? The requirement for Gifted is 130 composite, so she is obviously over that . Why the much lower numbers in the subtests??

Hi Maria –

Thank you for reaching out to us.

I’m purely speculating, but it would not shock me if the verbal and non verbal scores are your daughters raw scores on the KBIT. The raw score is simply how many questions she answered correctly, which is then converted to get the composite IQ. I would definitely reach out to the school for clarification on this, if you’re not sure.

All the best,



I have no idea hot raw score converted to standard score. Could u help me?

he Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test™2 (KBIT™2 test) is a brief (about 20-minutes), individually administered measure of verbal and non-verbal intelligence. The KBIT™2 test is often used to qualify children for a gifted program. Sometimes it is given as a “pre-qualifier” or “screener.” A child who does very well on the KBIT™2 test is then invited to go on for more thorough testing, in many cases a complete IQ test. There are three scores for the KBIT™2 test — verbal, non-verbal and overall composite of the IQ.

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