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How is the Ravens Matrices Test Scored?

Scoring on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Aspects of Scoring

For each question, the correct response is given a score of 1. Any of the 5 to 7 incorrect responses is given a score of 0. The maximum score on the Ravens Matrices Test is 60.

Breakdown of how the Raven’s Matrices Test is scored

Raw ScoreThe raw score is simply the total number of items that the child answers correctly. On the SPM, for instance, there are 60 items, so the raw score could range from 0-60.
Percentile RankThe percentile rank is a standardized score that tells you what percentage of the norming sample your child scored better than. For instance, if your child is at the 85th percentile, it means they scored higher than 85% of the test-takers in the same age group in the norming sample.
Scaled ScoreThe scaled score is another type of standardized score that puts the raw score on a common scale for easier comparison. These can often range from 1-10, 1-100, or some other scale.
Stanine ScoreThe stanine score is a scale from 1 to 9 with a mean of 5. A score of 1, 2 or 3 is below average; 4, 5 or 6 is average; and 7, 8 or 9 is above average.

These are general scoring aspects and might slightly differ based on the specific version of the test being used (CPM, SPM, or APM) and the norms used for comparison.

The age of the tester.

For each age group, N number of correct answers corresponds to a certain percentile score. As a student’s age increases, she or he has to get more correct answers in order to earn the same percentage score.

The raw score is typically converted to a percentile rank using the appropriate norms. This percentile rank is age-based or grade-based. It indicates the percent of the norm group of students who scored lower than your child. Example: A score of 88th percentile indicates that 88% of the students in the same age or grade category scored lower than your child.

Generally, a score in the 95th percentile or above would indicate that a child is highly gifted in terms of intelligence.

The Raven’s Matrices Test scores are relatively unaffected by ethnic and language background.


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3 Responses

Dr alka

I m looking for tables to score Ravens colors progressive matrices. I already conducted & scored the test but manual is misplaced so can’t complete


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it is very nice

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