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How is the SAGES-2 Scored?

A student’s overall performance on the SAGES-2 (Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students) is determined through a process of norming. A normed exam, such as this one, involves comparing the student’s performance against other children who fall within the same age and grade bracket. Because performance standards vary from state to state, testing items are normed across many different locations (not just age groups). Ultimately, the objective of the SAGES-2 is to determine how a child performs on the subtests as compared to their peers. The process of norming is helpful in identifying gifted students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

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The Standard Score Ranges for the SAGES-2

Score of 130+: This is an extremely high score that places the student into the gifted range. Achieving this score means that they quality for gifted schools or programs.

Score of 121-130: Students who score in this range achieved strong performance. In this case they definitely fall within the gifted range.

Score of 111-120: If a student scores within this range then there is a possibility that they will be considered gifted. This range is on the lower end of the testing spectrum, and may demonstrate there to be certain weaknesses on one or more of the subtests.

Score of 90-110: Students who test in this range have demonstrated weaker performance on the exam. In the context of this test, it is unlikely that they will be considered eligible for gifted and talented programs.

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