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Best Methods for WIAT Test Prep

Because the WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition ) is a traditional achievement test, it is designed to measure your child’s ability, skill and knowledge over a wide range of subjects, which your child has been taught, usually as a result of classroom instruction. These tests reveal what your child knows and her proficiency in each part of the material. It is used for gifted and talented testing to assess your child’s academic progress. So as much as you possibly can, avoid using the words “test prep” or “IQ” or “exam practice” in front of your child! Instead, call your practice sessions something like “Smart Kids Say…” or “Brain Teasers” or “Pet Puzzles” — whatever your child already shows an interest in, try to incorporate that theme into your overall routine. (Especially avoid talking about any specific subtests around your child, because psychologists and school administrators want to ensure that no students have been exposed to the materials that are actually on the WIAT-III primary or ancillary subtests.) Luckily, our resources are similar, but not identical to questions your child may be given, but it’s best not to discuss your WIAT test prep methods with anyone beforehand.

Kids love to play video games on laptops or iPads, so you can feel confident letting your child practice as much as he or she likes using the interactive questions we offer in Digital Tutor (all interactive learning games available on our site are included with any membership).

One of the best ways to prepare for the WIAT is with the game IQ Fun Pack. IQ Fun Pack utilizes questions from some of the most popular tests (including the WIAT) to help prepare your kids for the test in a way that’s challenging and so much fun that they will love test prep. Click here to see the perspective of parent who has had success with IQ Fun Pack.

Another way to have your kids prepare for the WIAT is playing games with design blocks like the ones found here. These blocks are similar to the pattern questions that are asked on the test and can help build the necessary skills needed to excel on these types of questions.

We also strongly recommend using workbooks and educational games to practice with, such as those available from Aristotle Circle. As a bonus, all memberships include a 20% discount on products that are purchased through our store.

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3 Tips to Make WIAT-III Prep Fun

  • Expose your child to the wonderful world of riddles. Learning age-appropriate riddles can be a fun, interesting way to expand your child’s vocabulary, reading comprehension, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Another surprising benefit? Laughter causes the brain to release dopamine and the pituitary gland to release endorphins, both of which ease stress and promote relaxation.
  • Establish a daily ritual of reading. Reading, comprehending and vocabulary is a very important part of this test. Model the importance of reading by establishing a time each day when family sits and reads together. Allow your child to choose their own books if they are reading independently. Or read to your child each day so they build letter and word recognition. No matter what your child’s age, read them chapter books that pique their interest and introduce them to new vocabulary and story structure. Ask your child to predict what might happen next in the story, to tell you how a character must feel during a scene or to connect things that happen in the book to their own lives.
  • Food Fractions. When making lunch, cut your child’s sandwich in half. Cut a small pizza into quarters or fourths. Give your child a square of cheese and show them how to fold it into halves and then quarters. Then invite them to eat it! Baking with your child will teach them about 1/2 a cup, 1/3 of a cup, etc. When you build conversation about fractions into your child’s favorite foods, it really helps them conceptually understand what they are.

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One Response

Susan Smith

The WIAT-III is an achievement test not an IQ test. You are thinking of the WISC

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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