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Corpus Christi ISD Gifted & Talented Program

What is the Corpus Christi ISD Gifted & Talented Program?

Corpus Christi ISD offers a Gifted and Talented program for students in grades K-12. The program provides differentiated, challenging curricula for gifted and talented students.

Further Information about the Corpus Christi ISD Gifted & Talented Program


Parents should be mindful of characteristics of giftedness, including self-directed learning, thinking, research, communication and display advanced abilities compared to their peers.

Each elementary campus provides administrators and teachers with training to provide differentiated learning experiences for gifted students. Gifted and talented students may participate in a range of services, from enrolling in magnet schools to differentiated programming in and out of their regular classrooms.

Gifted students are served at the following gifted and talented magnet campuses:

  • Grades 1-5: Windsor Park Elementary School
  • Grades 6-8: Baker Middle School
  • Grades 9-12: W.B. Ray High School

CCISD provides gifted and talented programming in the core areas of English language arts, math, science, and social studies. The curriculum is differentiated to provide gifted students with enriched and accelerated learning. 

Elementary students may participate in a number of programs, including differentiated lessons in the regular classroom with the cluster teacher and instruction outside of the regular classroom.

Pull-Out Classes

Students in grades K-3 may participate in programs administered by a GT specialist structured to provide challenging activities in seven key strands: creativity, problem solving, research, communication, thinking skills, affective thinking, and leadership program.

Students in grades K-5 also works til GT specialists and Cluster teachers to meet the needs of gifted learners in each district school.

Elementary school students can also participate in cluster instruction in the core content areas with qualified classroom teachers. 

Students in grades 4-5 can also receive differentiated instruction in the regular classroom, or by attending sessions on campus during one semester with classes on their chosen off campus GT mini-course during the other semester. 

Students in grades 6-8 may attend a GT magnet program, WAVE, at either League City Intermediate or Westbrook Intermediate. Students at WAVE are also integrated with their peers in the intermediate school. 

Students in Corpus Christi ISD Gifted & Talented Program may also participate in advanced courses in high school, and other extracurricular and academic offerings particular to the school.  

Curriculum resources include the Texas Performance Stands Project (TPSP), a resource for providing differentiated instruction to gifted/talented students, and be used for providing enhanced academic opportunities for all students. CCSI also uses resources from the William and Marry Center for Gifted Education. 

Curriculum resources include the Texas Performance Stands Project (TPSP), a resource for providing differentiated instruction to gifted/talented students, and be used for providing enhanced academic opportunities for all students. CCISD also uses resources from the William and Marry Center for Gifted Education. 

Eligibility for the Corpus Christi ISD Gifted & Talented Program

Parents and teachers can nominate students for the Corpus Christi ISD Gifted & Talented Program during a designated period. Students may then apply for the gifted and talented program, starting with an on-line application completed and signed by a parent or guardian. Teachers must complete a student assessment form, to be submitted to the office of Assessment and Accountability prior to further testing.

Students will be tested on their home campus during a fixed testing window. using the Cognitive Abilities (CogAT) test and NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). The GT Identification Committee will then analyze the qualitative and quantitative data provided to determine placement. 

Students in kindergarten are not required to formally apply to the G/T program. Instead, they will be automatically tested on their home campus unless parents opt out of testing. Kindergarten testing includes two consecutive stages.  

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