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Round Rock ISD Gifted and Talented Testing

What is the Round Rock ISD Gifted and Talented Program?

Round Rock ISD offers a gifted program for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. In the early grades, much of the gifted program is done in cluster groupings within the regular classroom. Middle and high school students have more opportunities to learn in classrooms with peers of their same academic level.

Students are universally screened in second grade; however, students can be referred for screening at any grade level. Referrals can be done by the parents or teachers. The referral window is in the fall and testing is often done in the spring.

The district does not release the names of the tests used to identify gifted and talented students nor the scores needed to be placed in the program. They do describe the tests as ones that test for ability, reasoning, and achievement. In the past, Round Rock ISD has used the CogAT, NNAT, and ITBS. Individual schools determine their cutoff scores each year based on the availability of seats in their TAG program.

Testing Mom offers a comprehensive online program with practice test questions, one-on-one expert tutoring sessions, and group classes that cover all the concepts on the CogAT, NNAT, and ITBS.

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Gifted and Talented students in Kindergarten-2nd grade participate in an enrichment program called Talent Development. Students are clustered in groups of 3 or more within their homeroom classroom. Their teacher works with a TAG specialist to provide enrichment and advanced learning opportunities for each student. If time allows, students can also participate in activities in the Round Rock ISD TAG resource room.

During the spring semester of 2nd grade, all current gifted students take an achievement test. This test helps the placement committee determine if the student qualifies for placement in the gifted classroom for a particular subject area. If an area is not identified, the student continues receiving generalized Talent Development services.

Gifted students in 3rd-5th grade are eligible to participate in a condensed math and/or in-depth language arts curriculum within designated TAG classes. Science and social studies are taught in the regular classroom with the support of a TAG specialist.

Students in 6th-8th grades take math and language arts courses specially designed for TAG learners. Students are required to complete classroom and independent research in these grades.

The high schools offer several programs for TAG learners. The emphasis in grades 9th-12th is for students to take an active role and direct their learning. Pre-AP, AP, International Baccalaureate, and dual enrollment options are available.

A Testing Mom membership offers hundreds of practice questions that will prepare your child for Round Rock ISD’s Gifted and Talented program testing. Start preparing today!

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2 Responses

Hi…. I live in Round Rock, Texas. My daughter has to appear in the TAG Test this month. She is grade 3rd. I really don’t know, which test she has to prep in your website. Plz guide us.

Once you become a member, you can always write to and let us know your child’s school district and grade level.  With that information, we can research for you what tests your child can use to prepare!

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