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IQ Tests

Intelligence quotient (IQ) testing is a method used to assess human intelligence. The tests are designed to measure a range of cognitive abilities and skills, providing a numerical value that is used as a standard measure of an individual’s mental agility and capacity. The first Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test was created in 1905 and was designed to measure the intelligence a child needs to succeed in an academic environment. It covers language, information/knowledge, memory, math, spatial, thinking (cognitive ability, speed/ response time) and fine motor skills.

By age 5, most children in America will have been given some kind of intelligence test– for private school admissions, gifted and talented qualification or public school placement in slow, average or accelerated learning groups.

The two most commonly given IQ tests are the Stanford-Binet (SB5) and the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-III (WPPSI). The Stanford-Binet can be administered to children aged two and up, and the WPPSI can be given to children ages two through seven. Questions on these IQ tests and the IQ Score Ranges do not change from year to year. In fact, the Stanford-Binet has only been changed five times since 1905, and the WPPSI has changed a mere two times since 1967.

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History of IQ Testing

The concept of measuring intelligence dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The first precursor to modern IQ tests was developed by the British scientist Sir Francis Galton, who was interested in measuring intelligence based on sensory acuity and reaction times. However, his methods were later found to have little correlation with other measures of intelligence.

The term “intelligence quotient,” or “IQ,” was first coined by the German psychologist William Stern in the early 20th century. The concept was further developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon in France in 1905. They created the Binet-Simon Test to measure children’s intelligence to identify those who might require additional educational assistance. This test, designed to evaluate a child’s mental age, became the foundation for modern IQ testing.

In 1916, Lewis Terman of Stanford University revised the Binet-Simon scale and published it as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. This is considered the first official IQ test, providing a numerical score that could be compared across age groups.

Early Uses of IQ Testing

Early IQ tests were primarily used in educational settings. Binet intended his test to identify children in need of extra help, believing that education and environment played significant roles in intellectual development. However, the test was often used to place children into different educational tracks based on their scores, and it wasn’t always used in the way Binet intended.

In the early 20th century, IQ tests were adopted by the U.S. Army during World War I to select the best candidates for officer training. They also played a significant role in the immigration policy of the United States during the 1920s, as officials used them to assess the ‘fitness’ of immigrants— a use that was controversial and ultimately led to many discriminatory practices.

In the later part of the 20th century, the use of IQ tests broadened. They were used in clinical settings for diagnosing intellectual disabilities, and in workplaces for employee selection and evaluation. They also began to play a role in legal settings, sometimes being used to assess competency in criminal cases.

It’s important to note that while IQ tests can provide some insights into an individual’s cognitive abilities, they do not capture the full range of human intelligence and they certainly don’t determine a person’s worth or potential. The value of an IQ score is limited, and it is only one of many measures of cognitive ability.

IQ Score Ranges

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores are typically divided into different ranges that classify an individual’s cognitive ability. Here are some commonly used categories based on the standard scoring scale, where the average score is set at 100:

  • Below 70 – Extremely Low/Intellectual Disability: An IQ score below 70 typically indicates significant cognitive impairments. This is usually classified as an intellectual disability. Individuals in this range may require more extensive support for daily activities.
  • 70-79 – Borderline Intellectual Functioning: Individuals with IQ scores in this range often have some difficulties with routine cognitive tasks, but are usually able to manage daily life activities with some support.
  • 80-89 – Low Average: This range is considered below average. While individuals in this range might struggle with complex cognitive tasks, they usually handle daily life activities without much difficulty.
  • 90-109 – Average: This range encompasses the majority of the population (about 50%). Individuals within this range perform cognitive tasks that are typically expected for their chronological age.
  • 110-119 – High Average: This range is above average. Individuals with an IQ in this range often show a heightened ability in a variety of tasks and may excel in areas that interest them.
  • 120-129 – Superior: This range indicates superior intellectual functioning. Individuals in this range often demonstrate high cognitive abilities and can process complex information quickly and accurately.
  • 130 and Above – Very Superior/Extremely High: This range represents the top 2.2% of the population. People with an IQ in this range often have exceptional intellectual abilities and are able to understand and process complex information very quickly.

Each IQ test has its own IQ Score Range. Click below to read more about IQ testing:

SB5 – Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition





TestingMom offers test prep and testing tips for IQ testing for your child, as he is entering the gifted and talented program at school. Become a member of to have access to thousands of IQ practice questions.

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31 Responses

I love testing mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just want to know how to identify a gifted child.



Free GT questions


My highly gifted adopted eight year old son has been tested twice for gifted. They only did a basic preliminary test twice and he did not qualify for gifted either time. I know he is gifted. In second grade at a private catholic school in our town, his teacher struggled to find reading material, even through the fourth grade for him. His classroom standardized test scores are in the 120 range. We just want to have an individualized IQ test for our own knowledge to substantiate what we have known since his birth. How do we find someone nearby to preform this test? Will his insurance assist in the cost of the test? Thank you. .

Giselle Layson

My son is 4years old and so many parents/teacher has been telling me to bring him to genius school because his different.. When he was 1year old he recognize and know how to read already. Now he read faster,even in school he remember everything about the lesson from school. His teacher been telling me he could remember the lesson the next day and he has a good memory. I’ve been ignoring people everytime they tells me about this. But now, I really wanted to try my sons knowledge. I’m just womdering if you guys could help me?

Its great it has so many tests! how do you practice the IQ test


We support many different IQ tests on our website with a paid subscription!

All the best,



I TRULY need to get Anthony into a place where he can exel not be bored

Hi Laurie –

With a membership to, Anthony will have full access to our website. So whether he needs to prepare for a Gifted and Talented exam or use one of our 37 partner websites in our Skill Building Academy, we have you covered!

All the best,


How do we do the IQ test ?

Hi Shushma –

Thank you for reaching out to us.

IQ Tests are administered by psychologists. Many times, this is setup by your child’s school, so I would recommend reaching out to them first.

All the best,



So much fun



This child is 3 and 1/2 years old will be 4 in August she has always had a photogenic memory she can put puzzles together for the first time in about 7 to 10 minutes like 48 pieces she can pronounce anything that you ask her to pronounce the hardest words she can recite short phrases that are given to her in like 3 minutes like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious she learned that on the way to town when she was two and a half she asks all kinds of questions about things she can name the dinosaur she can tell you if they’re meat-eaters if they eat leaves she her movies that she watches she can recite scripts of the the movie
She is very intelligent she will be 4
August 10th



I absolutely LOVE testing mom! I used it on little Anna Grace. She’s four years old. Her IQ is 115! We were so happy, we went out and got her a new barbie. Love her! Moms, coming from a momma of 4, this ROCKS!!!!

Hi Karin –

Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at or by calling 877-609-6203.

All the best,


Rahul kalal

I’m interested


Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at 877-609-6203 or They will help you navigate the website and set you up with the IQ practice questions.


Which IQ test includes reading for 5 year olds? Thanks.

Hi Nicole, The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) is a widely used test for assessing the cognitive abilities of children aged 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months. The WPPSI includes a verbal domain that incorporates reading-related tasks, such as identifying pictures, defining words, and completing sentences. Testing Mom has practice materials for the WPPSI if you’d like to review examples of the type of questions on the test.

Please note that the WPPSI is typically administered by a trained psychologist or educational specialist, and it is essential to interpret the results within the context of your child’s overall development. Keep in mind that children develop at different rates, and a single test score should not be the sole determinant of a child’s abilities or potential.

If you have concerns about your child’s reading or cognitive development, it is important to consult with a qualified professional to discuss appropriate assessment options and potential interventions.

Jesse Witwer

Would love to try this out on my kids.


For my 2yr old grandson


I’m trying to get my six year old grandson tested but can’t find any local site in Nassau county NY. He is currently in 5th grade

You may need to see if your Pediatrician could recommend a child psychologist who performs IQ tests.


Shame on me for not reading a book to my child. At 10 months old I saw my child babbling and turning pages in the book pretending to read even tho the book was upside down


My twin great grandsons turned 4 in February this year. At their 5yr boy’s graduation they were multiplying by 10’s to entertain themselves. They have been reading since they were 2. Preschool is not enough they get bored with class activities too easy. What can I do to help my family?

In our Kindergarten Readiness Assessments area, we have questions that may be similar to what your child could be given when he or she first starts school. The first example is of an assessment-checklist that a teacher would use by observing a child in the first few weeks of school. The second checklist is one that you can fill out to see whether or not your child now has the skills schools will be looking for when your child begins Kindergarten. The third instrument is an assessment you can give your own child to see where his or her strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to Kindergarten readiness skills. This assessment can be given in more than one session (it has 100 questions!). By combining the scores in the second and third instruments, you will have a very good picture of your child’s Kindergarten readiness, along with the skills you can be working on now to help your child be more successful when school starts. We have games and the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment in our paid membership area. This is a membership that will grow with your child(ren).


I like to test my three year old daughters I q

To test your daughter’s IQ, only a child psychologist would be able to give the test. You may also ask your pediatrician for professional guidance. They can help evaluate your child’s abilities accurately and provide recommendations on nurturing their potential. Identifying giftedness early can help cater to your child’s unique needs, providing them with an environment that challenges and nurtures their potential. However, whether gifted or not, every child is unique and extraordinary in their own way.

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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