Iowa Test 1st Grade Sample Questions
If you and your child have wondered what kinds of questions will appear on the 1st grade ITBS, below are some examples! These sample questions should provide you with a better idea of the quantitative and qualitative skills that your child should focus on and demonstrate during the exam. Each practice question will reflect a specific subtest that your child will come across.
As you are going through the practice questions, you will observe that each test level within the ITBS consists of a series of subtests that fall under specific content sections. Sections in the ITBS for Kindergarten to 2nd grade (levels 5-8) include:
- Vocabulary test
- Word Analysis test
- Reading comprehension test
- Listening test
- Language test
- Mathematics test
- Social Studies test (Levels 7/8)
- Science test (Levels 7/8)
- Computation test (Levels 7/8)
1.) Language- Level 6 (Kindergarten 7 mo. – Grade 1.9 mos.)
Parent say to your child: “I am going to read you a question while you look at some pictures. Listen carefully because I can only read the question once. After I read it, fill in the circle under the picture that answers the question.”
Listen to the question: Mark the circle under the picture that shows one-and-a-half cookies on a plate.
2.) Listening- Level 6 (Kindergarten 7 mos. – Grade 1.9 mos.)
Parent say to your child: “I am going to read you a question while you look at some pictures. Listen carefully because I can only read the question once. After I read it, fill in the circle under the picture that answers the question.”
Listen to the question: Emily loved her grandmother’s plate collection. Her favorite plate had a picture of an English Castle on the front that was surrounded by flowers. Mark the circle beneath the picture that shows Emily’s favorite plate.
3.) Math
Parents: If your child is not yet reading, please read these questions to your child and circle the answer they give. If your child is already reading, allow him to read the question and circle the best answer.
a) 11
b) 15
c) 16
d) 21
4.) Reading- (Reading words) – Level 6 (K 7 mos. – Grade 1.9 mos.)
Parent say to your child: We’re going to practice your reading. I will read a word to you and use it in a sentence. Then you should fill in the circle next to the word I read.
Parents: For each question, be sure to start by saying, Go to the words next to the number- whatever the number is. Then read the question.
Listen to the question: The word is bath. When you are dirty you must take a bath. Fill in the circle next to bath.”
5.) Science and Social Studies
Which picture shows someone being a good citizen?
1.) 2, 2nd image over the circle
2.) 1, 1st image over the circle
3.) c
4.) 4, Bath
5.) 3
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7 Responses
its so nice to have wonderful questions for kids to practice and easy for parenyts to make them understand like this ..
keep updating more practice papers …
Bonnie Berry
My child is in first grade and will be going to test soon with the Iowa testing
Good news! We have tons of practice for the Iowa Test (ITBS) for first grade. The ITBS measures academic achievement your child has learned through the school year like reading, ELA, math, science and social studies. For first graders the test usually takes two to three hours to complete and it administered by your child’s teacher. First graders may be asked to identify letters and words, recognize sight words and read short passages and answer comprehension questions. The ITBS test also includes questions on grammar, vocabulary and writing.
For math, the first grade students will be asked for subtraction addition. Also, your child will need to recognize and extend patterns, and identify shapes and their attributes. In the science section, there is classification of living and nonliving things, understanding basic concepts of matter and energy and demonstrate an basic understanding of the scientific process. The ITBS test is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of a student’s academic progress and can be used to identify areas where additional support may be needed.
my child will be taking this test next week is it available in spanish?
Hello, please check with your child’s school if a Spanish version is available. There is a Spanish version available for the ITBS.
Thank you so much!